Male inflation RPer looking for a fun time on Skype

So, hello. Been sort of lurking the site for a long, LONG time, and I've only just now gotten around to making an account. And I'm looking to RP with someone.


I love full body inflation, and blueberrification. Spherical inflation, basically. Generally, my preferred scenario involves me serving as the inflatee, being kidnapped by a female, or even tricked into going somewhere private with her, and she proceeds to fill me up with air, turning me into a big, round balloon. Or she uses whatever method to blow me up into a giant blueberry, or any other round fruit of their choosing. The process is permanent, so there's no reversing it, I'm stuck as a balloon/fruit forever. The female inflator takes me to her home, my new home, and proceeds to dominate me any way she can. Teasing me, using insulting, demeaning remarks to put me down, regarding me as nothing but an object to her, a toy for her to play with, and that's what I'm gonna be from now on. Squeezing me, bouncing me, rolling me, rubbing my hypersensitive skin... anything she wants to do with me. Forcing me to succumb, give in, and accept my fate. Forcing me to discard my humanity, and accept that I'm a balloon/fruit.


I'm not a fan of popping, and don't usually prefer it, though light, teasing threats of popping are alright.


That's my ideal scenario, though, I do have something of an open mind. I can act as an inflator to anyone who wants to be the inflatee. I do have female characters I can use, for being the inflator, or the inflatee. I do like other forms of expansion, not just full body/blueberry. If you feel like you want to talk about RPing with me some time, and you have Skype, send a PM my way, letting me know you're interested, give me your Skype name. And if I think I can work something out with you, I'll add you to my contact list on Skype. Hope to RP with you all soon. Toodles. ^^


Just bumping this to let you all know that if you're interested in RPing with me on Skype, be sure to send me a PM with your Skype name.


Also, be sure to say in this thread that you've sent me a PM, just so other people can see this. I would like to RP with as many people on Skype as possible, or at the very least chat it up with them. Thanks so much, and take care. ^^

inflatedjock85's picture

I sent you a PM. Hope to chat more!