Things that had potential for inflation.

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Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture
Things that had potential for inflation.

Sup nerds. I've returned from the Land Of Little Cats And Tea with a funky new thread.

Whats something you all think had potential to be an inflation scene?

Like, A setup or a scene from something- anything really, That you thought had potential to wind up being inflation related? Could be something found in the subtext, Could be something obvious, The works.

I'll give a quick example. Recently I rewatched the 2014 Godzilla, There was a scene in that where Godzilla- upon realizing the Girl!Muto was too well armored for his atomic breath to have any real effect, Holds her mouth open and fucking force feeds her the fire. He also rips her head off, For good measure.

Now I really shouldn't have to spell out why that would have potential for an inflation scene, But you'd have to change some things. Mainly making the Girl!Muto not a horrifying ancient bug monster, Make Her a Monstergirl/Anthro or something. Would also work for a popping scene.

God I really want that to be a thing now.

Anyway, Now it's your guy's turn. Do tell, I'm curious.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

If O'Malley had the kink he could've easily changed Roxie Richter's fight in Scott Pilgrim to end with her inflating like a balloon then bursting into a million coins. It fits with the video game logic


Imagine a quest about two villages which hold bubble football games. Hobbits live in one village, elves in another, and an elven wizard casts a spell to create knocker balls on players. The hobbits are smaller and lighter so they invite the party to even the odds. 

This and the like ^_^

CobaltSnake's picture
That episode of Futurama where The Lucy Liu robots ate a bunch of popcorn and then got microwaved was a pretty hot sequence.
I've yet to see enough Mortal Kombat Kiss of Death style inflation.
Oh, and that one episode of DBZ where Buu inflates a guy? That seriously should've caught on more.

I think I've had too much...


Inflation related, but not exactly inflation... I have one! ^_^ A grim one, suitable for horror/fantasy


Imagine a necromancy spell that sips life energy from the character and converts it into a zorb-like orb around him/her. This orb gets tighter and tighter with life energy, and eventually might pop, leaving the character lifeless. Until it happens the spell is fully reversible by Remove Curse and Dispel Magic which return all life energy back into character's body. I think this terrifying spell can be of level 4 or around that...

Character doesn't grow huge boobs or anything, his/her look inside this energy orb remains the same - thus, it's not inflation; transferring the spell from fetish gaming to mainstream AD&D5 gaming session.

A spell can be in a spell book of a necromancer, or a spell-like ability of an undead.


Could make some fantasy/horror module around that.

Escaping from the foul creature wandering the maze of chambers in an ancient castle after being cursed and having a glowing orb around you getting bigger and tighter. First it's invisible, then it's like a knockerball, then it's like a hamster ball, bigger and bigger, tighter and tighter... You might open a few doors in it, or even ram into a group of skeletons blasting their sorry bones apart. But if the sphere pops - that's it for the character, hello, Raise Dead/Ressurect (when and if...)!

Mind you, no inflation, only related ^_^