Some Guy Rants About How Inflation Is Dumb

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CobaltSnake's picture
Some Guy Rants About How Inflation Is Dumb

Yeah, if you don't want to feel bad about yourself and reconsider your life choices, please don't watch this.

   So, some dickhead uploaded a video on youtube about our fetish. The video really only looks at the cringey side of our fandom (so about 10% of it) and kind of just scolds people for having seperate sexual tastes. I thought I'd just show this to signal a possible storm coming for us, and all other niche fetishes. As cringe compilations and roasting videos become ever more popular I keep considering taking down my stories, or really anything tied to my current alias due to the fact that I do not want to be doxed or attacked.

   Everything is cringey nowadays and nobody can hide. I for one, do not want to be exposed on the internet for the fetish that I have. Another thing I'm worried about is if these videos will be the downfall of this fetish. We've already seen the community on a slow decline, but if we get enough attention we could be a laughing stock for a while. Jesus, I'm so good at fear mongering I could become a republican! On that note, I can't wait for you guys to slap me across the face and give me a wake-up call.

I think I've had too much...

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

So on one hand, That video was kinda meh. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't evoke a chuckle or two from me, though. However he did focus on the primarily poorly drawn side of things.. My main issue with the video wasn't really that it would herald a 'possible storm' or anything, It was more that the video itself was bland and unispired. 

Anyway, The fact that potential lots of videos being made wouldn't really do too much to this fetish at all. For example, Vore. Pretty much everyone knows what vore is nowadays, It's the butt of loads of jokes, But it's still going strong, So I wouldn't worry about that at all.

Y'know what's funny is that this is the second video like this I've seen today, The other was by the YouTuber Solar Sands. Now I actually really, really like Solar's videos, He's fair to art/artists and actually acts as a legit critic, Instead of just making fun of everything. And.. His video was pretty much the same thing. He focused almost entirely on the really poorly drawn/written side of things, Said why he hates inflation art, Ended on probably the worst art I've seen in a long time, And the video was over. 

Anyway, I think we'll be fine. And if you're worried at all, Just remember the two most important words from the universe's most important book:
Don't Panic.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Don't Pop you mean?

Panic all you like, just Don't Pop ^_^

And yes, +1, beautifully said, Margaret!

Blue_Eyes's picture

It won't be the "downfall" of the fetish. Other Youtube/Sites have done videos/articles about the fetish and nothing happens. If you comment on Youtube videos or whatever, you might get in an arguement with a 12 year old in Poland but thats about it.

There won't be a storm about it or anything.

I would argue about your number of only 10% being cringy.

The fetish itself is not on a decilne. I don't know where or how you people are coming up with this but you're wrong.

As for the "fear mongering" again, nothing is going to happen. You're not going to be exposed or whatever you are thinking will happen unless you personally put yourself out there. Its just another flash in the pan video that appears to have three other "episodes" of the same thing.



Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Good post.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


I treat my page like my own thing. I do not have shame in being a fetishist in this community, and I don't have shame in drawing it. As a result, I don't really take troll comments so seriously, or even harsh critisisms exclusively for my fetish. I tend to watch just to see if I'm in the strike zone, and I microwave some popcorn to listen to the creative and funny insults directed at me.


I see you found Mister Metokur's video, surprised this hasn't been posted here yet. He make these kind of videos just cause he can and his fans love it and attack people defending themselves calling them 'autistic fags!'. So if the video makes you or anyone angry then it's better to just ignore it.

firnov's picture

My messige to that youtuber.

And boom goes the inflatee


Calm down, it popped in your hands ^_^


firnov's picture

I cant help things pop around me..... or can i ?

And boom goes the inflatee


The biggest problem with his video isnt that he is making a video roasting the community. The problem is he is malicious in his video, but without a disclaimer telling people that he is making his series for entertainment, and that it isnt meant to be taken so personally or seriously. Because of this, he makes himself look like an asshole that assumes he is above everyone else, which is the worst kind of YouTuber there could be. Hating a fetish is fine, but having a little context as to what your intentions are as a content creator goes a very long way.




I didn't think it was actually particularly well done.  He was fluent but unoriginal and didn't succeed in getting to me so he's not good at trolling.  I feel utterly untouched and unaffected by that video.  It's like it went down without touching the sides.  I'm so jaded with the kind of comments I've heard on my fetish that this is nothing to me.  It's just easy platitudes.


airtankgirl5's picture

This may get taken out of context:

Oh my gosh, sack the fuck up.



Haha it is dumb, it's a fucking stupid fetish.

But it's lots of fun too. We can't expect everyone to get it, and thats okay.


I am pretty sure making fun of fetishes got old and boring around 12 years ago's like hey bro, welcome to the internet. The brand of humor is pretty much just "WTFzor lol", it's just not interesting, new or funny. Sure though, the quality control bar is low for our stuff too.

To me the most humourous part is like where a commentor is like "I have some weird fetishes but THIS is messed up." And then you know they are off masturbating to something equally as fucked up, telling themselves everything is fine in their heads.

MidriffManiac's picture

it's just jokes lmao

do you think people would really want someone to die because they have a harmless kink / fetish


I missed the part where they were saying fetishists should die. Sure it's jokes, just not really funny, like Jeff Dunham or PewDiePie.


It might not quite be kink related depending on your viewpoint, or relevant in this instance, but I think its a little important to note entire cultures and groups of individuals do in fact want people to actually die because of their sexuality.

MidriffManiac's picture

i know, but i haven't seen any anti-inflation people at all

and if we ever do, the best thing we can do is to just ignore them and if things take a turn for the worst, such as ip tracing, ddosing, and death threats..., call the autorities

imo those types of people are the ones truly fucked in the head


Agreed. Maybe because we are a small group.


But I hope I didn't come across as too up my own ass. If this guy makes you laugh, then laugh away. It's good for you.


on a comment of the video a guy ask : (who is it hurting) the video guy answer it makes Jesus cry. and it made me laugh.

Fleetingsanity's picture

There are people out there who get off from either shitting on someone or being shat on. That's been around for a long time. If that's still kicking, I'm sure we'll be fine. You're always gonna get a few loud dumbasses ranting about what people can and cannot like. For the most part though most people don't give a fuck. Don't worry about it. If anything it'll bring more people into it. The more people fight against something the more attention they bring to it. Which usually gets more people into it.

Falcon Pawnch!

darth_clone19's picture

This community is always in decline, judging by the people who say that same thing all year long.

In any case..."somebody has a fetish I dont understand, they are dumb!!!" Some people dont grow out of being clueless.

 -   Read my stories: 

Chromiac's picture

Am I the only one who finds the video funny? 

NameTaken's picture

its just banter bro


Just as long as he stays away from here... we don't want any trolls flooding the place and starting a witchhunt on cracking down on all inflationists.

So long as he sticks to ridiculing the art and not the fetishists (even though he did take it there a couple times), we should be fine. It's not him that should worry us, it's his viewers, or at least the more extreme of them. The comment section is... beautiful, nice things they're saying...

Just as long as trolls stay away from here, we're good. I doubt we'll see inflatees get blown up and burst out on the streets, it's not gonna get that bad. A troll or two on here, maybe.