Shopping Gone Juicy
"Hey Megan, here, have some of these purple ones, they seem fun and you were really in the mood for some gum, so yeah..." Monica, shrugged her shoulders, a little annoyed from Megan's continuous whining all morning down at the market. Without giving it much of a thought, she picked up a large purple covered gum, "Blueberry Explosion!" written all over its paper in a bubbly font, and handed it over to Megan to finally shut her up and continue her shopping stroll in peace and quiet.
"Give me that thing!" Megan exclaimed, grabbing hard the gum from Monica's hand and quickly unwrapping it before quickly shoving it and her mouth, as she started chewing hard on the thing, a facial expression of content finally appearing on her frowned face...
"That 'll shut you up for a while i guess...WHOA!!! What the fuck is wrong with your nose? It's's turning purplish blue!!!" Monica yelled in excitement...
"What are you talking about, Monica?" Megan grinned back, almost convinced that this was another of those silly pranks Monica was frequently pulling on her, but her grin was cut off when she noticed parts of her body, loosing their normal color, as Monica was indeed correct, and Megan was turning purple all over...
"WHOAAA!!!! What the fuck is in this gum! And why can't i stop chewing it!!! It's so delicious, i don't want to stop that flavor from hitting my mouth.... i feel kinda bloated too...." Megan continued, as her by now purplish blue hands, groped hard on her belly, that forcefully bloated outwards like she was instantly impregnated with twins!
"HELP!!!! I'm getting bigger!!!" She continued yelling in panic, as by now her entire body started expanding with something that sounded like a sloshing deep noise from inside of her, her tits shooting outwards to the size of purple beachballs, stretching her white dress over their swelling mass, as her entire body was steadily becoming spherical, absorbing all her limbs as she grew in diameter and width.... Streams of purple gooey substance, started leaking from her puffy nipples, staining her white dress and traveling along the sides of her round inflating body, down to the floor, forming some huge leakage at the market's corridor, which was by now almost completely blocked by Megan's overinflated spherical purple mass, as products started coming down from the selves and the sloshing noise could be heard all throughout the vast crowded market...
"Stay put, i'll go get help!!!" Monica yelled, not believing her own eyes, as she reappeared in seconds, holding a huge hose in her hands...
"Help me Monica, i don't wanna bust!!! Please Monica, help m-MPHHPPHHPHPPHH!!!!" Megan tried to yell one more time, before she was suddenly cut off by the thick hose being stuffed in her swollen purple mouth, as sher cheeks were now the size of a melon each and her eyes were pleading for some help...
"That will blow you off some juice, Megan!" Monica yelled, quite satisfied that it worked, as thick purple blueberry juice started flowing in extreme amounts through the hose and outide of the market's entrance, while people were gathering around to see the blueberry expanding balloon, being steadily expanded and juiced at the same time.
Monica smiled and pointed at the purple gums on the shelve, giving a thumbs up to the first photographer that tried to shoot pics of the incredible situation, all excited and proud, realizing that this was definitely going to hit the news tomorrow morning...