The Oceans in Your Boobs - Grand Finale
And there she stood, pushing the entire planet out of orbit with her own globes, these two fleshy balloons she had so gargantualy inflated with water due to her arrogance and madness. Mariah had completely sucked all the ocean water of our planet, she was fairly now the queen of queens on the boob department as she had so successfully made it into being visible from various solar systems around us too. Her gigantic water balloon tits, laying above most part of the Asian continent, thousands of miles up into space from the planet's surface, almost so big that made the moon look like a golf ball compared next to them from distance. The look on Mariah's face was that of pure satisfaction, since she just sank there between the huge watery inflated mass of her boobs, her bloated hands groping hard the boob flesh on her sides as she grinned with a victorious look on her face, the huge water hose still in her mouth, while she occasionally kept sucking just in case she left any sea water outside of her, after all her greed had gone to the extremes and she was lost in her power trip. Down at the hoses's edge at the bottom, at a now dry and desolated space that use to be full of marine life and tons of water, the edge of the hose was trembling next to a small puddle of water...
"It seems like i did it, no more Miss Small Tits for me, yay!" Mariah spoke thought to herself as she sucked one last time to conceal her new form and take out the hose from her mouth to scream and celebrate. At that exact moment the edge of the hose down to earth, slipped into the puddle thus giving worth to Mariah's last sucking since the water from the puddle came to add to the grandure of her tits by travelling through the hose and down her throat, but something was odd... Mariah's eyes went wide and her hands started moving crazy on her sides, since it seemed like that drop of water - compared to the oceans she had already sucked in - crossed the limit and she felt the pressure inside her dangerously increasing and all things becoming very tight all of a sudden...
She had the quick chance of letting out a loud MPHMPHMPHMPHHHHHH as her planetary boobs exploded like the universe's largest water bubbles, in a explosion so large in force that the solar system had previously never encountered before. Endless millions gallons of water were spread into space as some parts of the ocean returned down to earth, sending cataclysmic waves all over the planet's surface and returning back to their oceanic places as the explosion's force sent the planet thousands of miles away from its normal order. But it seemed it was still able for humanity to survive, unless all the other "Mariahs" down there had the same bright idea in the future...