The Tire Mishap Incident
"Thank you my good sir! What a lucky girl i am to bump into such a skillful man like you! Here's the pump, please make my tire big and puffy again, i'm so late for work, my boss is gonna kill me...."
Fiona whispered with a worrying tone, on top of the young man who rushed to the rescue at that sunny morning by ducking down next to her bicycle, when while he was talking his walk he bumped into this sexy looking woman, dressed in her long flowery dress, and he couldn't help by not giving this young lass a hand with her flat tire... Well, little did Fiona know, of what kind of dude she had bumped into, and his intentions where not only limited in making just her tire puffy and inflated...
"Hehe, don't mention it miss, just give me the air hose, please!"
The man responded from beneath with a grin, his glance almost lost between the orbs of Fiona's cleavage as she ducked down to hand him the ar hose, and at that time he knew exactly what to do. When Fiona turned to the other side, the wicked man pulled up her long summer dress, and without wasting any time, he shoved the air hose, right between Fiona's soft thighs, cramming it deep and hard within her butthole...
"AAAAAAhhh, what the FUCK!!!!"
The young woman yelled in surprise, lifting her arms while her face went in a distressful expression from the hose that had just violated her ass hole, but before she had the slightest chance to react, the man started pumping hard on the lever of the pump with all his might. Up and down, with intense speed and determination, while a wicked almost satanic laughter was formed on his face, as an ongoing stream of air force was being steadily siphon through the pump and into Fiona's behind...
"Ahhh, get that stupid thing out of me, aaaah... "
Fiona kept moaning, as she was already feeling really weird as she was feeling her insides being forcefully pushed with air but the first visible results where right below her worried eyes...
"Oh god, my boobies!!! They're...they're getting BIGGER!!! Stop it! i'm not a balloon, you stupid perv!"
Fiona yelled in amazement, as her eyes went wide at the spectacle right beneath her chin, her hands shooting to her bust, groping both her boobs tightly, as her boobs where swelling with air like balloons, filling the gaps from within her fingers as they were spilling over from the cleavage of her flowery dress more and more with each second. Pumping after pumping after pumping, the man wa lost in her wicked plan, as he kept yelling in ecstasy, watching the sexy girl's boobs inflate right in front of his eyes, expanding like balloons from not such a small size of tits to begin with, to now almost the size of melons and the size of basketballs, as Fiona, was in awe, not being able to react from the shock, as she stood there like a flowery bimbo getting inflated like a blow up doll, with the tits now the size of beachballs, as the man kept pumping harder and harder...
"How's that for puffy, miss?!? Oh, what was that? Bigger you say?!? My mind exactly..."
The man spoke out loud in ecstatic irony, as he continued his pumping frenzy, an increasingly growing crowd having already gathered in front of Fiona's expanding balloon boobs, snapping pics and commenting in awe...

One more oughta do it. :)
Never inflate angry