Just a boring field trip, Part 1.
"What a boring field trip, i wish i could fly out of this stupid place..."
Chloe yelled at you, before she gave out a sigh and rested her butt on the edge of big piece of line-machinery, in frustration and quite bored of the day so far. This plastic moulding factory was vast, full of machinery lines and both you and Chloe tried to take a walk away from the rest of the class group, due to boringness.
"I think you should not rest yourself on this machinery, it looks sensitive and dangerous..." you told Chloe quite worried about her getting in trouble or something bad might happen...
"Oh come on, don't be such a chicken-shit, what's the worst that could hap---!" Chloe froze in horror not able to finish her cocky sentence, before the machinery started rambling fouriously and the control panel lighting bright red beside you both, it seems she accidentally turned it on. Before Chloe had a chance to react and lift herself up from the edge, a intense rumbling noise echoed behind her, and the black edge of the machinery started sanctioning in with great force, bringing her ass straight into the opening and devouring her inside the large rectanglular tube, squishing her a little on her way in. After having squeezed herself through the various narrow spots of the tube and bumped violently to each corner of it, she came landing butt-first to a green conveyor line, that kept moving her towards the rest line of machinery. She caught her head to the side, still dizzy from what had happened, trying to figure out what it was, laying there on the rolling conveyor moving forward like some kind of plastic product in the line...
Just a boring field trip, Part 2.
"Help!!! Help me please, what is goin---!" the poor blonde tried to yell at you, but before she could even finish her line, 4 metallic tiles and one from the top, came straight on her from all sides, trapping her inside of them and squishing her into a perfect rectangular 1 foot long Chloe cube. She was perfectly squished, all her characteristics plastered to the sides of the cube she had become, pressurized like some kind of a cartoon girl, her facial expression totally horrified and blank...and the conveyor kept moving....
All you heard from outside the machinery line, was heavy machinery noises and rubbery squishes and you were very curious on what would the conveyor reveal to you from the other side, so you just run over and waited there. Then out of the darkened depths of the machinery, showed up a pink,blonde purple and blue cube, that crossed all the way to the conveyor's end and landed right in front of your feet...
It was incredible, you just stood there and watched in awe, not able to believe that your blonde hot friend had been squished into a perfect rubbery cube, all helpless and unable to do nothing but rather blinking her eyes in frustration like begging for your help. You lifted her up in your hands, feeling her soft rubbery skin with your fingers... "Chloe? Are you ok?" you whispered near to her.... she could respond nothing rather than muffled MPMPHMPHHHs though. And then it hit you!
Just a boring field trip, Part 3.
All the Saturday morning cartoons had just took place as the best possible idea came to your mind, when you lifted up a thick purple hose coming out of the industrial pump, you knew what you had to do....
With a grin in your face, you just shoved the edge of the hose right into Chloe's compressed mouth, making her cheeks bloat up from the cube instantly like small hills rising outwards, and her MPHMHPHHHHs going louder in opposition to what was about to happen to her. Slowly but steadily and with a rather quick pace, the entire Chloe's cubed body started protruding bumps and hills all overs, inflating back to her original volume and size, although from the compression she was inflating in a rather funny more rectangular shape like a blob rather like resembling her hot curvy body no more.... and she kept inflating bigger and bigger as you let her go from her hands not able to wrap them around her due to the size she was gaining....
Just a boring field trip, Part 4.
There she was, Chloe, freely inflating at the mercy of the powerful industrial pump, obtaining sizes and shapes way beyond cartoonish imagination, when you thought it would be a good idea to turn the pump off....You approached the machinery, not able to comprehend what all these chinese letters ment, scratching your chin in confusion on what would be the stop button.... "What the heck..." you whispered, when you pressed the biggest red button on the panel, and it was wrong... Suddenly the noise from the pump became way more intense and the amount of air and pressure quadrupled in power, sending poor Chloe's body inflating out of proportions like a huge carnival blimp that is being steadily inflated for the parade. You just watched in awe as she kept getting huge, her curves resembling hot air balloons as she rose 20 feet up to the factory space, soon to start squishing her overinflated body between the floor and the cealing... You could not believe it, she was humongous, it seemed like she could easily lift the entire team if you all entered in a basket and tied it on to her, an actual hot air balloon girly giant. Her facial features where way distorted at that point with her nose and eyes inflated to 20 times their original size and her cheeks the size of exercise balls.... her boobs where the size of weather balloons and her belly was like a 2-store building by itself alone... and she then started to hit the cealing, and rumbling noises came from all over the building, and debris starting pouring down on top of everything inside there.... "Well she'll be fine, i better get going..." you thought to yourself, while running towards the exit to avoid the inevitable...
From outside, the whole team as well as the factory stuff watched in horror as the whole building started collapsing and the roof being torn apart by the over-inflating Chloe air-filled giant who was that big as not to be able to be confined by a huge plastic-moulding plant like this.... She freed herself from the debris of the plant, inflating freely into the open sky above the industrial area, she soon had covered the entire countryside and still showed no signs of stopping in size any time soon as her almost planetary inflated body was already casting a thick shadow on every block of buildings in the area just in seconds... You just looked in awe up in the sky at Chloe's new look... "Well i guess she DID fly away from this stupid place afteral..." you just grinned to yourself and start walking towards the team's bus...