The factory want to get rid of the bad gum. But by exident the gum is shipped to Europe. In Europe it gets in the hands of the goth girls. The girls eat the gum and get a big explosive suprise.
If they made a new wonka moive, who would you want to blow up into a blueberry?
yeast is so uplifing in cookies from Delfts Blauw cookie can!
haven't you heard receding pleas for help from above when in TUD campus? ^_^
Hahaha. I know the delft-blauwe koek blikken (cookie boxes). I hope they have blueberry taste cookies so i can gove them away
i would like it to happen to myself
All you needed to say was 'butch goth'.
Competitive jock boy, that's what you get for being such an over achiever D:<
Awesome, :-)
I prefer male inflation, so I'd love to see an overachieving, hypercompetitive jock type become a blueberry.
I'd imagine that Wonka mentions that he's working on a gum that is so juicy, it never loses its flavor. The boy takes it as a challenge, and pops it into his mouth to prove he can make it lose its flavor, and of course, figures out that the gum is a little more juicy than he bargained for!
That's an amazing scenario :-) I like your thought process.:-)
Tim Burton would have to do it though !!
He already did do one. You can honestly find no one new to direct? We might as well have a AnnaSophia robb play violet then.
Not going to lie I wouldn't mind a current Annasophia Violet redux. The real question to ask is who would you want directing the new Big budget Wonka prequel. Whoever directs that will probably do the sequel being the chocolate factory movie we all love.
Tim Burton would have to do it though !!
Also how would you want it to happen?