MASSIVE Expansion!

Hey folks!

I used to be active once in a while on Yahoo but of course those days seem to be over with Yahoo removing pretty much all functionality from their client and everyone moving on to other forms. The few folks I kept up with are probably scattered to the wind now.

While I'm not exactly the most prolific roleplayer, I do enjoy a good brainstorming session and occasional RP if I have a block of free time. I'm always up for an idea session and since I'd like to kind of get back into expansion writing and art, I'd love to get some ideas and feedback.

If you happen to enjoy extremely large expansion where someone is determined to get as HUGE as possible and won't let anyone or anything get in their way, find me on Skype as "Gettin' Bigger" (I've got the inflated King Looney avatar of course.)

I'm all about someone obsessed with pumping themselves up by any means into the biggest thing the world's ever seen...and then gettin' even bigger...and bigger. Whether it's air, water, slurpees, or the local buffet. If you can expand then why not outgrow EVERYTHING? Bigger is better!

Things that have influenced me over the years are scenes like the Raggedy Ann & Andy expansion of King Looney (my all-time fave,) Kablammus from The Mask animated series, Cell's explosive finale in Dragonball Z and the obscure Sesame Street clip of the frog blowing itself up into oblivion.

I've also written a couple of stories on deviantart at and have started back doing some expansion artwork after a long silence so check out my stuff if you're interested.



Bouxy's picture

*Wink* Moo.

I'm always interested in getting bigger.

Check my site

or find me on skype "bouxymeup"

Fairia's picture

Another who enjoys massiveness. I sent you a message on Skype.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Gotta say, This is a concept i would love to explore. However- Due to privacy reasons, I only use this site for my Rp's. Hope this isn't a dealbreaker, I'm legit interested.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Ya still looking for partners, cause I'd be down for getting large!

Ratbiker's picture

hello! i love super huge sized inflations. you may send me a PM to request my skype/kik name. :)
