Just Want to Share My Story - Breath Inflation Not So Safe

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Just Want to Share My Story - Breath Inflation Not So Safe

Just want to share my story as a warning to all inflators, especially those who use their own lungs/breaths to inflate their abdomens. For breath inflators, you might get pulmonary hypertension (a life-limiting illness) from doing it. Don't make the same foolish mistake as me.

As a background, I've always done breath inflations since I discovered it as a child.

How it works is you breath some air into the abdomen and you push out your abdominal walls. You push it out a little bit further every time you inhale. And when you exhale, you try to maintain that abdominal wall position, and make sure it does not shrink back. In the end your lungs seem to work as a pump to inflate your abdomen. And your abdomen is full of air. No pumps at all.

They say that breath inflation is probably the safest way to inflate yourself. After all, your lungs can only generate so much pressure in the abdomen. I've done this for years without anything going wrong. This is way much safer than using a pump, I thought, at least until my last one.

Apparently, by doing this, you are limiting the air you breathe in and out. By holding the big abdomen in place, your lungs are able to inhale and exhale less than before. The result is that you may become hypoxic/hypercapnic (a state where you lack oxygen). You'll know you've reached this stage when your heart starts racing (I thought I was simply being anxious because someone might suddenly come in and see what weird thing I was doing)

At this point, you should quickly stop. Going further will make your pulmonary arteries constrict more, and your heart beat faster, and permanent irreversible damage can be done. You may develop pulmonary arterial hypertension (like I did)

This is the most foolish mistake I made in life. I wish I could turn back time to tell myself to stop. But now, I am currently suffering a chronic progressive life-limiting illness. I really regret this because I think I had a wonderful life in front of me, taken away because of my one little seemingly innocent fetish.

I want all readers to note that there are many people in this community who have testified that inflation is safe because they've done it countless times. I would have thought that too. But I think the community who have suffered/died from this fetish is one that is underrepresented. We don't hear stories from them for obvious reasons. So I just want to warn everyone to be extra careful. No matter how many times you've done this successfully, one slip is all it takes to ruin a precious life.

You may think. Nah...my belly isn't going to burst at this point (but it might and your body won't always give you the right signals) or worse, some other body part of yours is affected, and you might not even realize. Depending on your bodily signals won't always work.

I think the safest move is to stop inflating now. You may not agree, but I hope you don't learn this the hard way (like me). Always remember that if your fetish is a healthy one, you won't be hiding it from other people. So stop it with your instant gratification! Do other things...go play sports or something socially accepted. You'll get much more pleasure from it.

A kind request from a fellow inflator: Do not inflate please. There's a reason nobody else does it. No matter how safe it feels, fetishes are inexplicable as they are against human survival. Whenever you feel the urges, tell yourself 'STOP! Someone who thought she totally had it under her control actually caused her own death'. People who've died all thought they had it under control. They are not foolish people who did not know their limits, they are people who just wanted some pleasure like you and me.

Thanks for reading. 

Currently, I am trying to stay positive. And perhaps I'll need some counselling because of I am forever scarred by the fact that I caused myself to develop a terminal illness. Whenever I think of the beautiful future I could never have, I try to keep myself sane ny convincing myself that...It's not my fault, the human body is weak and stupid anyway. I didn't take drugs or anything. Besides I just happen to live in a generation where the cure for PAH hasn't been invented yet. And I'm happy to even have lived in the first place. Long life is not a given :)



I'm very sorry to hear that. But hopefully your post will keep others from making the same mistake.

I'm mean. 


Thank you very much. I urge you to please be very careful when inflating. But my greater hope for everyone in this community is that they may lose their fetish completely (whatever form of inflation it may be).

I read that fetishes are a form of disorder we develop because of one experience. It is not natural. No matter how fun or safe it is, inflation fetishes makes us lose our lives, preventing us from doing what we're supposed to do and is a form of isolation from our relationships (and theories say -perhaps a way to fulfill a sexual desire that we are unable to get from relationships). It sounds very sad. Most people require some form of therapy for fetishes.  This just shows how undesirable our act is. I hope that all of us are able to brainwash ourselves, and get rid of our strange unnatural desire.

Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

"But my greater hope for everyone in this community is that they may lose their fetish completely (whatever form of inflation it may be)."

And this is where you lose your points. You've joined this site two weeks ago, participated in the forums to tell everyone you made a mistake, and now you want to change everybody's mindset. I really emphasize for you, but I think you're being unnecessarily, unreasonably overdramatic. You're not in any position to convince us.

I am not a self-inflator because I think it's too risky, but I imagine that everyone who participates in it understands a degree of risk, or else there wouldn't be anybody alive left to give us advice. To call inflationists unnatural and suggest they need therapy is nonsense. I think you deeply regret your past practices, which I understand; this will affect you a lot. But it's so confusing to me why you're so impassioned to change us from your example. I hope you can cope with your illness, and the fact that nobody needs to fix their ways here. We are all rational people.

airtankgirl5's picture

Actually I'm going to take a slightly different approach,

Go fuck yourself. 

Tai Lin
Tai Lin's picture

I feel like this is like telling a group of fishing enthusiats to stop because you hooked a whale and got carried into the ocean.


Sorry about your misfortune. But what you did to yourself has no bearing on us, the fetish, or what we do with it. It sounds more to me that you are upset that you got this disease and wish to stop us from enjoying it. There are many inflationst that inflate and have had no complications. What it sounds like to me, and this is just a guess, you weren't really inflating your belly so large it hurt your lungs. You were probably just holding your breath too long and forcing too much air into your lungs. I say this as someone with a family member with the same condition. He said he got it because his asthma would have him taking just deep and long breaths too often. I would venture to say that traditional inflation, and your misfortune, have no relation.


Again, sorry about your misfortune, but leave us out of it.


Thank you for your words. And I'm sorry to hear about your relative.

I agree with what you say about traditional fetish and my fetish having no relationship. But they all fall under the same umbrella of higher-risk behaviour. Sorry for sounding self-righteous, but this is what I wish someone would have told me if they found out about my weird fetish. 'STOP!' I am speaking on behalf of everyone who has injured themselves doing any sort of inflation.

I understand your fishing metaphor. But I do find that there is a difference between them. Inflation fetish is not normal, one that is not accepted by our society. If something happens to us doing this, it'll be because we are not supposed to be doing it in the first place, making it totally our fault (a stupid move for us) While if something happens to us while fishing, that will just be a plain bad luck.

Of course I can't do anything to stop anyone, but I just hope this post will make some reconsider their stance on inflation.


I do think that self-inflation is a really bad idea, but I think the reasoning that you're using to support that argument is extremely flawed. Just because something is condemned by society does not mean that it is actually wrong, in the same way that just because something is accepted by society does not mean that it is actually okay.

For a long time, society accepted segregation and condemned homosexuality. In some subsections of society, both those things are still true to this day. But society was wrong, and progress has shown it to be so.

Just as progress has shown society to be wrong about those things, I believe that progress will also see less-risky fetishes gaining more mainstream recognition and acceptance in the coming decades. Self-inflation will probably still carry some stigma for the inherent danger, but inflation as an imaginary fetish is completely harmless and ought to be viewed as such.


I can't quite understand what it is you mean by breath inflation. No matter how hard you push out your belly or how hard you breath in, that air is not going into your gut, or your abdominal cavity. Other than the initial size you might get by pushing your belly out, your lungs won't act as a pump for your gut. Are you sure that this practice in particular caused your health problem? Either way, I hope it eases up and your health improves.

To your other point, yes if someone dies with a balloon pump up their ass I doubt the details will get out much. We might not hear about it. That also said, there are people who have been doing this for a long time who have not suddenly gone off the radar.


Personally I believe anyone who claims it's 100% safe or unsafe is full of shit. There could be risks involved, try and know them before you make the choice to go ahead or not.


For the other post about whether or not this is a mental disorder that needs therapy, well thats a different problem and a complex issue.


Thank you for your kind words. I find it hard to describe what I was doing as well.

Yes, this is one of those activities with higher risks, so ultimately it is up to you to decide whether or not to pursue it. Let this post just be a reminder of those risks involved, as I notice that the dangers of this act are not well-represented.

Sorry if I offended anyone if I called it a disorder. I know we all like what we are doing. But I believe we should all be reminded that what we are doing is not normal.


I think some of the hostility you might encounter with this idea is that we know (well most of us do) that it's not a normal habit. We know because we are so often the butt of ridicule and shaming for something we have little control over.

I'm not going to be offended by you calling it a disorder.  In the DSM-5, Fetishistic Disorder is a category. But there has been a lot more talk recently to differentiate more between an atypical sexual interest and a disorder. The key point being risk in harm to yourself and others. I believe blanketing all fetishists as at risk might be a mistep as I suspect most people would not perform risky practices.

That said, allow me to quote from this site- http://www.theravive.com/therapedia/Fetishistic-Disorder-DSM--5-302.81-(F65.0)

"Fetishism is seen almost exclusively in men-" (Meston and Frohlich, 2013)


"It is noted that paraphillias in general, including fetishism, are correlated with general psychosocial impairment, including being victims of physical abuse, lower educational level, inpatient admissions mental health or substance abuse treatment, disability, unemployment, involvement with criminal justice, increased risk of STI's (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and comorbid mental health disorders."

In my case, many of these ring true. Perhaps the fetish did develop because of an abnormal or difficult childhood and then became a small causative factor to some of these risks.

Some of us might be able to change that and I support their choice. The rest of us have to accept that we are human, flawed and take what fun we can find in our absurdity.



In any case again I hope you recover.


Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Mother of god this thread was an emotional rollercoaster.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


The ride continues.


Man, these Chick tracts are getting oddly specific.

doubleintegral's picture

If I take this post at face value (which is a bit of a stretch, honestly), then I have nothing but empathy for your ailment.  However, you weren't "inflating" anything other than your lungs.  Absent a serious pre-existing medical condition, the only way to get air into your stomach is to swallow it, and there is no way to force air into your stomach cavity.  Sure, you can force your stomach out when you breathe but you're not actually storing air there, especially when you breathe out - the only thing holding your stomach in place is your abdominal muscles.  And while it is indeed hard to breathe in/out while forcing your stomach out, that's not because you're reaching any sort of limit, it's just that one action naturally comes at the expense of the other.  And breathing is not going to help you push your stomach out any more than you can by just pushing it out all at once.

Ultimately it sounds like all you were doing was suffocating yourself.


You likely inherited Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension as a hereditary disease, or had an underlying problem associated with it.

And PAH isn't something you can -cause-.


actually, double post is an opportunity to go wholeheartedly with two opposite opinions, and i didn't post in this one yet


Proceed with self-humour, and really, diagnose yourself inside out when not sure. It's always worth it, even if you end up trashing treatment advice and proceeding with some gymnastics and diet instead

what if doctors will extract a meta-gene from your blood and will tell you that there's an inflatible superhero deep within you, and your symptoms are given to you for timely pre-order of a fancy mask?