Air Swallowing

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Air Swallowing

I've decided to try my hand at air swallowing, and I'm pretty good at it! The only thing is, aside from the actual swallow (which is just forcing air down my throat) I'm not doing all that well...

The air I swallow wants to come back up almost immediately, and when I swallow until I can't swallow any more, it just gets worse and I end up removing it all from my belly.

Does anyone have any ways or tips to keep the air down there and get a big belly?


And as an addendum, how can I delete my threads because apparently the system hates me...

Sorry for the triple post guys. :(

hentai enthusiast
hentai enthusiast's picture

you cant


That seems redundant.

Thanks anyway.


One easy fix I've found is to do so while lying down flat on a bed or something so that the air doesn't come straight back up afterwards. Also you may want to try pacing yourself, thus allowing the air to go a little further, which means that there's now more room in the stomach


Pacing would probably do the trick, assuming I actually use it. I never was much of a patient person but hey it's worth a shot.