How many of you prefer female inflation or male inflation?

Female Inflation
58% (83 votes)
Male Inflation
17% (24 votes)
26% (37 votes)
Total votes: 144

Disregard the other two posts that are the same thing, I don't know how this poll got duplicated 3 times!!

Cosinusitis's picture

Male inflation all the way for me. I actually strongly dislike the opposite-gendered variety but to each their own I guess :y

Even if female inflation is still pretty dominant over there, I noticed a steady increase in (human) male inflation. Very very good progress I must say '-')b

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

both down’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

Xythryx's picture

Honestly I dont see anything wrong with both.

Xythryx's picture

Honestly I dont see anything wrong with both.

firnov's picture

Only female for me.... i dont like male stuff in fetish or sexuel content. 

And boom goes the inflatee


Personally very happy with my female on male inflation stories.  Hae yet to get a negative response about topic (though the occasional piece about pacing...but I digress).

Blue_Eyes's picture

So you want to know who is gay or not basically?

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


The OP could be asking that, but I believe it becomes a little more complex when it comes to fantasy fetish territory.

doubleintegral's picture

This is true.  I'm 100% straight and strongly preferred female inflation for a long time.  I still do, but I have recently acquired a new and growing (pun intended) appreciation for male inflation in specific circumstances (for instance, roleplaying myself inflating).


Was gonna say myself that a man who likes make inflation could be gay, but also he could be straight and its himself that is inflating.

Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

I hesitated to bite on this post a day ago but now that I see the other repliers getting somewhere, I'll offer my obligatory slightly-lengthy reply to get my thoughts out. I guess I'm one of those pure heterosexuals who likes male inflation, but it's kind of bothersome to me how I can't explain why.

I finally appreciated a male inflation scenario a few months ago to be honest, even though I enjoyed female inflation for the longest time. It's a little fuzzy considering how my original preference developed because my fascination with inflation didn't necessarily start with females - I was stuffing my clothes with pillows just like how most of us here began as kids. Logically if I'm a male and I'm my own subject, I could have turned out more tolerable of male inflation, but I guess other factors made things different.

To boil it down to what I actually tend to fetishize, in the past I've been constantly attached to female bellies. It's not exactly the face or the genitallia that contributes to my attraction, really. In my interpretation of the inflation fetish, it's the stomach that gets the most satisfaction out of me. And somehow, by some stretch of the imagination, this can be transferred to males. And yeah, if I consider my mental imagery and leave it obscure on the face or whatever might be lying between the legs, I won't be repulsed by the inflation - the thing I'm (kinda narrow-mindedly) focusing on. I'm all about bodies getting huge, and I guess my mind's opened up enough to not be so stingy about which gender the body is. Maybe that makes sense.

I should also mention I never consider myself the inflatee either. That's a bit of another odd distinction to go back to me doing the pillow-stuffing, picturing myself rounded. I wish I could detail more about how I became so subject-centered. But as far as the subjects go, I would choose Both in the poll because I'm not exactly hooked on what sets males and females "apart". Perhaps it helps if the male subjects are pretty submissive? I have no clue, but this is as far as I can get typing half-asleep.

Auriga's picture

 No. For example, I like male inflation only as long as inflator is girl.


99% Female inflation, 1% female inflating male genitals, 0% everything else.


I prefer the idea of myself inflating tbh. It is the main feature of many of my fantasies, and it seems to be more common nowadays. So male?

IRL, I don't find males faces or physiques attractive at all. I am attracted to females, but would probably even go a feminine trap, if that still counts as male IDK (or care).

Stories with males inflating, which lessen the visual aspect of males and help me self insert are some of my favourite.

SpryCarrion's picture




Gay as hell here, definitely prefer males inflating, but nothing against any ladies getting in on it. As someone said above, a guy liking male inflation isn't automatically flat "gay/bisexual/pansexual," but I'd be willing to say the overlap of non-straight guys and guys who like male inflation is likely pretty big. But the fans of male inflation are certainly more of a minority in the community. But hey, live and let live.

asapisaiah's picture

I'm always bummed by the lack of m/m content, but there are quite a few amazing artists that pump out quality stuff on a constant so I can't really complain, haha.

bigair38's picture

I love thinking abaout inflating a girl or beeing inflated by a girl... or both :p

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Definitely female. I like to put myself at the inflatee's place, especially when it ends with bursting. Especially when she(me) isn't became completely_spherical_ten_feet_or_more_wide_thing but still in human form, preferably hourglass. Rather rare, sigh. While male inflation seems a bit gross for me. A bit unusual in this community as I see, but that's what I prefer.

PurpleWine333's picture

I totally say both :/

Time for a nice, healthy dose of CHAOS