Inflation(?) in Despicable Me 3 official trailer

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Inflation(?) in Despicable Me 3 official trailer

In the trailer for the new Despicable Me 3, the new antagonist is shown chewing bubblegum which he uses as a weapon. A soldier steps in the bubblegum which then inflates and swallows him, with only his head, arms and legs visible, the continues to inflate and swallow others around.


Nothing entirely special, but I thought it was refreshing and left room for some creative ideas.


(Useless authors note: I absolute despise Despicable Me, this was merely a YouTube ad I thought I'd mention!)


Why do you despise despicable me?


Minions, probably.


No no. No no, I want an actual justification. 


I'm guessing minions too. You expecting a detailed literary critique?

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Brb, writing a literary critique on why minions are worse tha Joseph Stalin.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity