What if...?

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What if...?

Bit of a weird one this but bear with me.

19th September 1940. Ronald Dahl is flying across the Sahara as part of his duties as a WWII flying ace. His plane runs out of fuel. Making a forced landing, his undercarriage hits a boulder. The plane bursts into flames and whereas in this timeline he drags himself free of the wreckage just passing out and the plane exploding, he fails to do so and the timelines diverge...

Dahl is dead. He never becomes a children's author, never writes 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory'. No movie, no girl inflating into a blueberry, no plethora of impressionable youngsters who feel a bit funny watching it, or reading the book. For that matter, no remake, no inflating Aunt Marge in the Harry Potter books or films.

Where would we be now? Would there still be a bodyinflation.org? What would inflation fetishism be like? Would you personally have it or would you have gone in a different direction? Would the blueberry fetish even exist?

I personally had no connection with Willy Wonka, so I know I would still have had the fetish, but I don't know if we would have such a lively and eccentric community.


How would things have turned out, do you think?




Double post, sorry.



Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Ah, The butterfly effect. Write a childrens book about a weird ass chocolate factory, Spawn a whole slew of bizarre fetishes. It's a genuinely interesting concept, Something I was actually thinking about earlier today. 

So this is actually my second draft of writing this. My first one went off into a horribly long tangent about kicking people in the balls over arguments about big cats and then the world being ovverun the world by giant sky leopards eating people and getting in fights with elephants and a new world war happening between the animals.. I gotta stop writing things when sick and on at least fifteen different kinds of ibuprofen.

In short, It would have a drastic change on our little corner of the universe. We'd probably get no blueberry fetishists, The community in general would probably be a lot different. Hell, There's a chance I might have not gotten into the fetish like how I did. My first inflation exposure was from an episode of Dragonball Z, When the evil dude Majin Buu turns into a liquid and flows down a guys mouth until he bursts. Granted there was an inflation scene earlier in the series where Cell blows himself up in a last ditch effort to destroy earth, But this one I didn't imprint on because I was just sad Cell died. Even if he did get better, Four year old me was upset my hot green bug guy wasn't there anymore. 
But, Despite that, It was actually the 2005 Willy Wonka movie scene that solidified my kink. Mostly due to the fact it was female inflation as opposed to a not hot at all dude being inflated in an admittedly grotesque manner, And a very attractive (imo anyway) green hunky bug man who has a tail that allows him to drink people who used to be a weird humanoid bug monster inflating in his semi-perfect form (which is a mix of his imperfect and perfect form, sort of stuck in a funny looking middle state) in a really funny looking way. It essentially codified my liking of female inflation, And allowed me to branch out to discover other tangents of this kink. Hell, We could take this even further if I go off the assumption that that scene jumpstarted my bisexuality, which it probably did as this fetish takes up a solid portion of my very, very undeveloped sex life. 

So TL:DR, I'm not sure how it'd affect this community as a whole, But I'm certain how much it would affect me, Which would be a lot.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

(Curse you, Margeret, and your beautiful reaction images for posting two minutes before I replied to the duplicate thread on the same topic! Moving my reply here.)

My only bet is that the blueberry fetish would never grow to the popularity it has today.

In fact, I think that's just about the extent of it if Violet was never envisioned. Granted, I think the body expansion fetish would be much more obscure and not have as much of a following to sustain sites like this, but I think it'd still be out there, though probably without a lot of mainstream media representation. I just believe the device of inflating bodies is present enough in other cartoons that it wouldn't be "too" dead without Dahl - fewer, but still some amount of kids would find it fascinating.

And this is a bit of a stretch, but if there's less people exposed to body expansion, a majority of those would probably place a lot of emphasis in real-life inflation. I dunno; there's like a universal desire in humans to be full and satisfied, and there's a multitude of men and women who adore full figures and plenty of size. I think if you take out some of the fictional areas of the fetish, much of it can still reside in reality. There'd be folks more inclined to stick pumps in themselves rather than imagine feeding each other gum, basically.

As for me, Violet was definitely my gateway drug into body expansion, even though I never really sold myself into blueberry. So, hmmm, I can't really imagine I'd find another way into expansion though since no other media really rang out to me. As odd as it sounds in the past I also liked pregnancy and giantesses which I guess still lumped me into the bigger is better mentality, but they faded away over time in the transition to body expansion. Maybe those former two would have been my focus instead, but I know I'd pick up this fetish eventually just by association.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

They are pretty beautiful yeah. Most are homemade too, Or just from my collection of out of context Kaiju screencap collection.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

firnov's picture

Its would be a big loss, as a child i liked his tales and he is a war hero.

But about the inflation part. I think we might exist, but with less people. Because i know of a lot of people around here "the scene" sparked the fetish. And we dont had the sub-fetish for blueberry based inflation.

For myself and i think for some more people around here, the scene in the wonka movie was not the first thing that triggerd me. I have seen it before in tv-shows and knowed it from some folklore. So i think i might had this feelings for inflation as well.

But i think i dident go international and online to find this inflation stuff (i exelly find out the online inflation clips by exident. And this stuff was blueberry related). 

And boom goes the inflatee


I have a couple of alternate history projects going on the alt-hist wiki. If I thought this one through a bit more, I could put something there. Not just on the blueberry fetish but in other ways too.  A world without Roald Dahl, hmm...




There'd probably be a better community now without it.

So much non-inflation stuff when you do searches, because "OMG, that teenage girl/actress I've got a pre-pubescent fixation about can turn blue in an image editing program, and..and I can make blue circles in MSPaint, so now Ima post 6000 almost identical versions of it online for the next 10 years!!! *spoont spoont*".


"Continue the research..."


Absolutely agree with this.


Photoshop is a wonderful thing, and as someone who is a graphic designer, it's not hard whatsoever to actually make good morphs, realistic inflation etc.


The way deviantART, as an example, is full of the same stock image of 1971 Violet with a poorly cropped, blue painted head of a random actress or, god forbid, a WWE diva, is excruciating.


There was a thread on much the same thing earlier this year, without the WW2 back story of course :P I'll try and find it.


Sorry, I missed that.

I think the blue thing would be almost non-existent.  I do remember wanting to be a tomato at certain points in my life though, that is, dressed in a tomato costume.  I wonder if that would've been the way people went instead.  Blueberries are less obvious than watermelons, pumpkins and tomatoes because they're much smaller.



Blue_Eyes's picture

It would be the exact same.

Only difference is the "origional holy grail" scene would just be replaced by something else. Either by a cartoon or some other movie scene.

There really isn't a time paradox here when it comes to fetishes, sooner or later it all comes full circle.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

airtankgirl5's picture

Well someone else would have to had written the screenplay for "You only Live Twice"  Not sure how I'd feel about that.


There'd still be the inflation scene in 'Live And Let Die' though!




Indeed.  Maybe twenty years into the future, Photoshop will be so expanded we can cut and paste characters from other shows and movies into other shows and movies.  I want to cut and paste Linda Carter in her Wonder Woman swimsuit outfit to replace the Bond character in that scene.  Maybe Selene from 'Underworld.'

LutherVKane's picture

Where would we be? Probably in approximately the same place we are now, minus the blueberry stuff. I’m pretty sure the blueberry fetish wouldn’t exist at all. At the very least it would be greatly diminished and lacking the gum component.

There would still be a BodyInflation.org. The site started as a place for me to post my stories, and Roald Dahl isn’t an influence on my writing. While Violet made an impression, she didn’t have anywhere near the impact on me as the various cartoon inflation scenes I saw as a child. I suspect many other inflationists have similar experiences. Violet’s inflation isn’t the most influential scene, it’s just the most well known.