What if...?

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What if...?

Bit of a weird one this but bear with me.

19th September 1940. Ronald Dahl is flying across the Sahara as part of his duties as a WWII flying ace. His plane runs out of fuel. Making a forced landing, his undercarriage hits a boulder. The plane bursts into flames and whereas in this timeline he drags himself free of the wreckage just passing out and the plane exploding, he fails to do so and the timelines diverge...

Dahl is dead. He never becomes a children's author, never writes 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory'. No movie, no girl inflating into a blueberry, no plethora of impressionable youngsters who feel a bit funny watching it, or reading the book. For that matter, no remake, no inflating Aunt Marge in the Harry Potter books or films.

Where would we be now? Would there still be a bodyinflation.org? What would inflation fetishism be like? Would you personally have it or would you have gone in a different direction? Would the blueberry fetish even exist?

I personally had no connection with Willy Wonka, so I know I would still have had the fetish, but I don't know if we would have such a lively and eccentric community.


How would things have turned out, do you think?



Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

EDIT: oh no what the heck the other thread was already going

ok, moving there