I dont know how to roleplay

Someone help...............i dunno how to roleplay

Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

I believe the first question to ask about your roleplaying capability is: Can you write?

Some people boil this down to proper grammar and conventions, but the biggest factor is how well you're able to describe and illustrate what's taking place between whosever's bodies you're using. The feelings (both emotion and skin sensation), the sights (both actions and shapes), and the sounds all tie into the experience. I guess a theory is if you haven't tried to write an inflation story for yourself, you're going to have trouble writing one with a stranger.

Actually, no. The first question should be: Are you willing to talk with strangers to establish what each of your preferences are considering that everyone in this fetish is wildly different? Because a huge chunk of roleplaying, contrary to what people might say about jumping in and trying it-- is kind of like pouncing on somebody and dry humping them asking "This is what I like. Is this what you like?". Once you spend time talking with someone and you find you both like the same things; scenarios, methods, roles, then you've arrived a place to potentially start.

So then the revised question is: Are you aware of what details and finer points you and your partner find sexually stimulating about inflation that you can describe to each other about?

I don't mean to be overly judgemental, but based upon your username I wonder a little if you're mature enough to go forward with an answer. If you think so, then it's worth striking up a conversation with someone to try. But I also think it takes a bit of social flexibility and... I don't know, "sexual understanding" to "know" how to roleplay effectively. And that's not even counting how you choose to form your sentences.


Wow that was a lot, well thanks, i see where your going, and i suppose for right now i think i will just stick to regular inflating myself instead of venturing into roleplay, so thanks!