This goes to all the people interested in blueberry inflation. Let's just say you get a piece of the wonka gum in the mail. You can either chew the gum or throw it out. Chewing the gum would result in you blowing up like a blueberry for the rest of your life and any given moment Your body would regenerate and your skin would not be blue. Would you take the gum?
Simulated Senario
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 21:28
Simulated Senario
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 23:13
You take away the concequence of your question. If you turn into a blueberry but then your body can just go back to normal what would the drawback be?
To answer the question though, I would toss it. Blueberry stuff does not interest me.
Yes I would take the gum, but I would need to plan it out so that I would become like a celebrity because of it, or I could just make myself pop after everything is all said and done. That would work.
I think I've had too much...