Is there a way to prevent accidental duplicate topics?

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Is there a way to prevent accidental duplicate topics?

Duplicate topics have become real prominent lately. Most of us know they're caused by clicking the Save button multiple times when submitting a topic... is there some way to change the functionality of the Save button or something else in the site's code to mitigate that?

LutherVKane's picture

Not that I'm aware of. It's an issue that I've always had with Drupal that I hope they've fixed in later versions. The best thing I can think of is to add a message to the post submission screen that says something like "Only press the Save button once!!!" I'm open to other suggestions.


Is it possible to make the Save button non-selectable (grey it out) once you've clicked it?


I just posted a topic and it gave me a CAPTCHA at the end.  That's fine.  I entered the CAPTCHA and tried to submit the topic.  It came back with a different CAPTCHA.  I must've entered it wrong.  I entered the new CAPTCHA and that took.  And then I find out that my topic was duplicated.

Is there any way that one could delete the duplicate topics themselves (like within 15 minutes of posting, after which, it becomes "permanent")?


i just created a topic by entering wrong first CAPTCHA and then right second CAPTCHA - the topic appeared once


Weird.  I had the topic appear twice even though I know I only clicked once (for each CAPTCHA)


just had a similar situation - submitted a poll once and switched to another app. When i returned to browser - there were two polls ^_^