Rice Dinner

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Kristie smiled, pulling the bag of rice from the cupboard as she prepared to make some sushi for herself and her fiancee. The sushi was carefully made, rolled up with the most delicate of movements and stored away as a surprise. The doorbell rang, alerting Kristie that her company had arrived. With a wide smile she pranced to the door and slid across the wooden floor. The door opened slowly and Meghan walked into the house, looking around to see where Kristie had gotten herself this time. Sqealing in delight, Kristie jumped her fiancee and they both ended up on the floor in a laughing fit.  
"Didn't I tell you that you didn't have to dress so elegantly?" Kristie smirked, looking Meghan over.
"Yes, but I thought I'd look good for you." Meghan winked, standing back up while she brushed her blue flower dress off. She'd decided to wear her best dress with a pair of thick white tights underneath and a pair of heels. "Besides, it seems that you took a vacation from fashion today." Meghan jested.
Kristie gave her a playful look, so what if she hadn't? It was enough that Meghan was here now. She'd decided that a pair of light purple yoga pants and a sports bra was going to be enough. "Guess what I made you."
"Pizza?" Meghan laughed, looking around. To her surprise, the kitchen didn't smell like anything was cooking and there was no sign that Kristie had even touched anything in it. "Or are we playing pretend?"
"Very funny." Kristie laughed, smacking Meghan's rear as she passed. Meghan squeaked and blushed, smirking broadly while Kristie opened the oven and revealed that she'd made her fiancee's favorite: Sushi.
"Aww, you're so sweet." Meghan smiled, pulling Kristie into a tight hug. A kiss was placed upon her head as they parted and Kristie served the sushi up traditionally; A portion of the plate would be decorated with the main course along with the apetizers, rice and salad.  
"Do you need anything?" Kristie asked, sitting cross-legged while Meghan adjusted her dress.
"I think we have some soy sauce." Meghan said softly, breaking her chopsticks apart.
Kristie nodded and got back up, opening the cupboard to pull both the soy and teriaki sauces from it before joining Meghan back at the table. Another couple of helpings of rice were added to Kristie's plate as she doused it all in teriaki sauce. Meghan couldn't help but giggle and shake her head amused.
"It's a wonder you haven't swollen up from all that rice."
"That doesn't really happen." Kristie grinned, giving Meghan a playful look.
"Oh, don't be so sure. That's why you put your phone in rice after dropping it in water. Don't you notice how the rice gets bigger?"
"Yeah, but that's individually and the stomach can handle it." Kristie countered, putting one of the sushi rolls into her mouth. The crab she'd chosen was perfect!  
"I dunno. Those Myth guys tested out the whole pop-rocks and soda thing."
"Of which didn't work." Kristie grinned again, putting another roll in her mouth.

Meghan shook her head, on the verge of laughter as she, too, put some sushi into her mouth. "Oh, this is lovely, Kristie."
"Arigoto!" Kristie giggled, bowing her head. Already most of her sushi was gone and she'd begun on her rice.  
Meghan watched amused as she began eating it and tilted her head. "Do I need to get you some water?" She teased.

Kristie almost spat out her rice during the fit of laughter that overcame her. "No, thank you." She shot Meghan a look. "Unless you're trying to get me to swell up like a grain of rice?"
"A counterattack? Well played." Meghan laughed, finsihing her mouthful of rice. "Well, I guess you've figured me out."
"Aha! Then I guess you wouldn't mind a bit of a challenge?" Kristie beamed, looking right into Meghan's brown eyes.
Meghan raised one of her eyebrows and her grin nearly took over her face while she parted her red hair. "Challenge? Name your terms."
"Whoever can eat the most rice has to watch the loser down an entire gallon of water!" Kristie said, almost sounding too eager as her raven black hair hung in her face.
"You're silly, honey." Meghan said, looking back down at her food. Another sushi roll was added to her mouth and once it vanished she looked back up. "But, you're on."
"Whenever you're ready." Kristie laughed, nearly finished with her sushi.
"I'd say that when the last bit of sushi has been devoured." Meghan said softly, looking down at the three remaining pieces left. Soon, it was down to two.
"Fair enough, I'll get the water." Kristie said, getting up again. Meghan waited quietly for Kristie to pass by, then administered a firm slap to her ass without looking and grinned down at her food. kristie shook her head and then her ass for Meghan before retreating into the kitchen, placing a gallon of water on the table before them. By then, Meghan was already crouched over her rice with her chopsticks ready.
"Are you ready to bring shame onto your family?" She teased.
"Are you ready to eat your words?" Kristie countered, flashing her best intimidating look back at Meghan.
"We'll see. Are you ready?"
"Born ready."
The two girls nearly flipped over their plates as the rice quickly began to vanish, though there was an entire pot full on the table and soon Meghan was devouring it while Kristie was hot on her heels. Minutes felt like hours as the girls' devotion to the bet blazed hotter, their stomachs gurgled in protest and bulged outward. Slowly, the two began to lose steam and slowed their own paces. By now there was only a small pile of rice left.
"Ugh," Kristie moaned, rubbing her swollen stomach while surpressing a burp. "Whoever eats the last bit--" She burped again. "Wins."
"You're--on!" Meghan burped, readying her chopsticks. Kristie pulled her yoga pants over her stomach and rubbed it tenderly before readying herself.
The two girls attacked the pile, flinging rice everywhere until it came down to the last grain. With lightning fast accuracy that surprised even herself, Meghan grabbed the grain. Seconds later, Kristie snagged the same piece and the two girls pulled. The rice came apart suddenly and the two girls were flung onto their backs, their stomachs sloshing audibly. Kristie quickly shoved the rice into her mouth and shot back up with her arms held high in the air. Unfortunately, Meghan had done the same.
"Shit." Kristie said, wide-eyed.
Meghan giggled and wiped her mouth, rubbing her swollen and protesting stomach. Her slender fingers reached down and pulled her tights up, taking her panties up with them to firmly extend over her stomach. "I guess we both lost?" She said softly, parting her crimson hair once more.  
Kristie couldn't help but nod, true to her word they had finished and it seemed that the duel had ended in a tie. "Yeah. Guess that means we need two gallons."
"So do we do this at the same time, or do we have one of us chug the water fist while the second refills it and fullfills their end of the deal?"
"I think it would only be fair to have us both do it at the same time." Kristie smiled, moaning softly as she surpressed another burp and consoled her stomach with a soft rub. Carefully, she got to her feet and waddled to the kitchen, filling another jug of water before placing it on the table. "I love you."
"I know." Meghan said, teasing Kristie with a line they both knew fairly well. "Are you ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be." Kristie gasped, burping loudly. "Sorry."
"Quite all right. Let's do this, then."
The two girls both moved toward the jugs, tilting them backward at the same time. All at once the water seemed to rush down their throats until they gasped for air. Again, the torrent of water came and would progress until their stomachs screamed for mercy. By the end of it, the two girls were out of breath, waterlogged and dizzy. Meghan lay on the floor, clutching her bulging stomach. Kristie mirroring her movements but with her legs on the table.
"Oh..." Kristie moaned. "I guess you were right, babe."
"I," Meghan said before hiccuping. "Don't blame you, hon. You just got curious."
"Ugh, if curiousity blows me up like a fucking balloon, I don't want it."
They both laughed at that, but the contracting muscles around their abdomens hurt and they couldn't laugh for long.  
"This one would be a great one to send over to the Discovery Channel." Kristie joked, putting a hand across her forehead.
"That show was cancelled." Meghan huffed, she was trying to catch her breath. "It was great, though. I," She gasped. "Always watched it as a kid."
"Do you feel strange?" Kristie asked, moving her other hand to her stomach. The flesh was soft and mallible, her fingers gripped the spandex and pulled her yoga pants over the orb that was now her swollen stomach.
"Strange, how?" Meghan asked, still staring at the ceiling. Her tights had decided to slide back down to her crotch and had taken her panties with them. "Like you never want to move again?"
"Besides that." Kristie laughed, wincing again. "I mean like... you're fuller than you should be."
"Yeah, I'm right there with you." Meghan huffed.
Kristie moaned and scooted herself beside Meghan, giving her an apologetic smile. "Sorry I made you do this."
"Eh, it's fine. Besides, someone has to challenge you." Meghan grinned back, leaning sidways to kiss Kristie softly. "I think our bodies should be able to digest all this."
"It better be." Kristie groaned, pulling her yoga pants up for the billionth time that night. Thinking about it, she lifted--with difficulty-- her plump ass off the floor and pulled the yoga pants backward until they were halfway up her back.
"I agree; food babies are just as bad as the real thing." Meghan groaned, mimicing Kristie by pulling her tights further up on herself than she'd have liked but with her stomach swollen so far forward it seemed to hold the fabric up.
"I feel... massive." Kristie said, rubbing herself. Slowly, her hands moved over her stomach and she gasped, looking over her breasts.
"What?" Meghan asked, looking over. But there was no need for anything to be said. At first, she thought that Kristie was trying to clench her stomach muscles to combat the pain she was feeling, but upon second glance she noticed that wasn't the case. "K-Kristie?"
"Ohhh!" Kristie moaned, rubbing the swelling flesh. It felt as though someone were inflating a balloon inside of her as the rice absorbed the water. Aggrivated gurgling noises filled the room while Kristie swelled up, her stomach looking as though she were advancing through pregnancy. Finally, Kristie's stomach stood a foot above her and quivered. Red stretch lines surrounded the area and snaked back into Kristie's pants which had actually managed to hold the dome inside of her.
"Kristie... don't move." Meghan said slowly, getting onto her knees. She kneeled before Kristie's swollen form and put a hand to the underside of her stomach, hearing the sloshing and gurlging inside of her fiancee. Again, she began to swell outward and push Meghan away. Her yoga pants were stretching audibly with her, the fabric pulling tighter across her hips and ass until they were defined with the outline of Kristie's panties. Meghan gasped and pulled Kristie to her feet, leading her to the couch where she would at least be supported. Kristie grimaced and rubbed her reddinging stomach, the pain apparent as she tried to pull her pants higher.
"Babe, it hurts!" Kristie complained, rubbing herself as though it would make everything right again.  
"I know, hon. I know." Meghan said soothingly, cupping Kristie's face as she placed a tender kiss upon her. "Shh, you're going to be ok. Just stay with me, I'm going to call an ambulence."
"Don't leave, please." Kristie said softly, it was almost hard to hear her over the sound of her swelling. By now it were as though she had a yoga ball lodged into her pants, or possibly several babies.
"Just for a moment, love." Meghan said, kissing Kristie again before waddling into the kitchen to pick up her phone. From the living room she could hear Kristie moaning.
"Hello, 911. What's your emergency?" A female police officer inquired.
"I've got someone who needs immediate medical attention."
"Oh, my. Where are you and can you describe the situation?" The operator asked.
"7113 Sapphire Drive. My fiancee is swelling up and I'm not sure how much more she can stand."
"I'm sorry, you said your fiancee is...?"
"Swelling, dammit! Can you just get an ambulence out here?!" Meghan said, getting irritated as she saw Kristie's stomach bulge larger. By now it was creeping under her breasts and there was a smaller bulge below the wall of flesh--Kristie's belly button had popped outward.
"Yes, just remain calm. One should be there in... ten minutes."
"Ugh, thanks." Meghan said, slamming her phone onto the counter as she hurried back to Kristie's side.
"What'd they say?" She asked, rubbing her swelling form. Kristie's yoga pants were now halfway off her stomach and her panties were being pulled tightly around her hips and crotch.
"They said someone would be here in ten minutes." Meghan said, kissing Kristie while  rubbing her stomach soothingly. "How do you feel?"
"Like a fucking whale!" Kristie groaned. "It's like someone shoved a balloon up my--"
Meghan shook her head and suppressed a giggle. "I love you."
"I love you too." Kristie said, trying to hold Meghan closer to herself.
"Oh!" Meghan groaned. She could feel her dress stretching with her and came to the chilling conclusion that she was swelling as well. "Guess my metabolism caught up with me." She tried to joke.
"No!" Kristie gasped, rubbing Meghan's swelling stomach frantically.  

Meghan's dress stretched, pulling one of the flowers across her stomach tightly and altered it. Meghan groaned and attempted to pull her tights over the swelling dome that was quickly becoming bigger. Quickly, the dress began pulling harder and harder, causing Meghan to groan painfully. Her stomach wanted to bloat outward, not be surpressed! The tights creaked, the waistband really was the only part that was having trouble as it slid over her swelling stomach. Kristie thought about how to fix the situation and without thinking put her hand over Meghan's crotch. Meghan blushed and looked at Kristie incredulously.
"Now!?" She gasped, looking Kristie over.
"If it helps to calm you down." Kristie said softly, trying to grin. Her stomach had stopped swelling, but it was about as red as a tomato. Her yoga pants were stetched tightly across her and her breasts were resting on top of the mound.
"You're massive! How are you even going to get there?" Meghan asked, the pain increasing as she felt her skin tightening. It looked as though she had swallowed a man whole and every second she spent talking caused her to get bigger.
"I don't know, but I thought it would help." Kristie admitted sheepishly. She grabbed at the nearby drawer and rolled onto her side with a groan. The drawer came open noisily and Meghan blushed.
"Well, I can see what you were after." She teased, seeing the pink double-ended dildo.
"Ha.Ha.Ha." Kristie deadpanned, putting one end to herself. The rubber toy rubbed around her moistened vagina and made
Kristie wet in record time. Meghan groaned, rubbing herself with a finger and closed her eyes. One hand was on her stomach, the other on Kristie's left breast. Kristie smiled gently and reached over, assisting Meghan.  

Quickly, the two women rolled over and began making out passionately. Meghan shoved the raven black hair from Kristie's face and cupped her cheek. The dildo, unforgotten, managed to find itself inside of Kristie's tight yoga pants while Meghan fumbled with her tights and succeeded in pulling them down. Both of them gasped as the toy was inserted, then began moving each other's parts. Kristie moaned loudly and nestled herself into Meghan's neck. Meghan smiled to herself, blushing as her stomach touched Kristie's and continued swelling until her dress couldn't stretch anymore. The fabric began ripping behind her and soon Kristie had managed to get the garment off.
Meghan lay in nothing but her bra and socks, her massive stomach bulging impressively off her frame. Kristie smiled and shoved the dildo faster into Meghan's dripping crotch, prompting surprised and enticed moans from her fiancee.  

"Oh, Kristie... oh, fuck. Fuck me like the dirty whore I am..." Meghan moaned, resting herself in Kristie's cleavage, kissing the tender skin.
Kristie moaned and kissed Meghan's head, thrusting the dildo harder and harder into her lover. Soon, Meghan's body shook, her stomach for the most part had stopped swelling and was bigger than Kristie's though darker red. Meghan grabbed Kristie with all her might and pulled her close, their stomachs pushing into each other as the red headed woman orgasmed all over the toy and slowly became still, nothing as said as she moaned progressively.
"Your...turn." Meghan said, breathing heavily while looking into Kristie's eyes. Overtaken by desire and lust, Meghan kissed her lover roughly, rubbing her breasts until they slid out of her sports bra and began playing with Kristie's nipple. Kristie gasped in surprise and smiled, moanng a little louder while biting down on her lip. Her panties were so tight that they were causing her discomfort. Meghan put a finger to her lips, then reached down and pulled Kristie's yoga pants off. Next came Kristie's green panties and the dildo was inserted into her dripping cave.
With the same ferocity Kristie had used on her, Meghan returned tenfold. Kristie screamed in pleasure and grabbed at Meghan's arms, holding her tightly while she negotiated her large breasts from the bra and began sucking Meghan's nipples. Meghan cooed and petted Kristie, lessening her hold on the toy and going at a more managable speed. Kristie threw her head back and moaned louder and louder until the apartment was filled with her voice and in the next instant, Meghan's hand was covered in her lover's warm essence. Kristie opened her eyes slowly, her pupils were dialated and she still had the same gaping mouth from before.
"Mmm, I knew there was a reason I kept you around." Kristie moaned softly, nestling into Meghan's cleavage.
Meghan shook her head and kissed Kristie's. "You'd die without me. Besides, I think this is one for the record books."
"Yeah, world's biggest women.." Kristie giggled.
"Nope, most rice eaten and absorbed." Meghan corrected, smiling down at Kristie.

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