I found this in Instagram. Drumroll...
Yeahhhhhh. For a multi-million dollar budget I'm honestly aghast that this is what they came up with. I've seen high school productions with a better blueberry ball costume than this.
Im not a designer though so I can't be too critical but the London show with a smaller budget came up with a way more impressive set piece than this. Bigger by about double and that's with the fact that the Violet's in that production were played by girls/teens so they were on average a foot shorter making the end result more dramatic.
i was really hoping getting Broadway designers to do this could give us new ideas for a better blueberry ball but it looks like the niche designers in our community have a better grasp at this than Warner Bros. themselves. I can't say I'm surprised. We do have different motivations.
Also the costume is confirmed to be a whopping 144" in circumference. Alittle under four feet in diameter...
Given the fact that Broadway set pieces are usually blown out of proportion so audiences in the cheap seats can see them this all but confirms that Violet shrinks in this adaptation. That's something new though not unheard of. Concept art for Burton's film shows Violet shrinking down to as small as 3.5 feet but even that still showed her ballooning up to 10 feet round in the end.
To make things weirder the costume designer confirms that our adult Violet explodes just like in the original production. Congratulations poppers. So Violet blows up, shrinks down closer to a blueberrie's size, and still explodes. Strange.
The show just did its first preview tonight so things can still change but overall things got weirder in the WB canon Violet mythos.