Looking for people

Hi there, 

I am looking for more people to chat and possibly roleplay with. I am open to chat about inflation stuff in general.

As for roleplay, I am more looking for inflators, male or females. I enjoy belly and full body mostly, but feel free to add suggestions. As well from time to time willing to be the inflator.

So feel free to add my skype: Bluxediesel, just let me know where your from!


Bum looking for more people!

The rounder the better


Another bump

The rounder the better

Overblown's picture

I'd offer, but I'm afraid I'm more interested in being the inflatee, rather than the inflator.  ^^;

Jdougins456's picture

Pm me if you want me to pump you up

Balloony belly boy

I'm good for chat, just message me whenever you feel like it.

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