Y'know this reminds me of all the Dinosaur erotica on amazon. I'm genuinely excited!
Writing a Book
I am writing a book called "The Inflation Novel 1" It features stories of inflation that I make up. There is belly, breast, and butt inflation stories ithere. This is part of a series called "The Huge Big Mega Ultimate Inflation Novel Saga" I will be having a download link or a link to where you can download and/or read the book. I will be finishing soon.
I hope the story is better than the title.
Actual LOL.
Should finish by Sunday! Keep up the support.
Happy early Easter!
Oh wow! That's... indeed "by Sunday" even for me ^_^ Also, great work ^_^
And now you'll hear everything about literary merits according to Downes, Tomashevsky and Aristotle as well as personal taste but above all - take what drives you forward and helps you improve from feedback, ignore the rest and keep it up ^_^
Thank you.
Couldn't get past page two. Buy a Strunk & White. Read ANY other published story or novel.
Thank you for the feedback. I will try to not make my next book horrible.
Feedback time:
1) The actual inflation process itself needs to be more descriptive.I know it's a pain, but if you want a better book...
2) Dialogues neeeds to spaced out betweenthe paragraphs, just as if it were a real book. It makes it easier for the reader's eyes.
Or, put another way: Look at some of your favorite inflation stories. Seehow they're written? What is it (besides theme)that makes you read them and not other stories?
I think you can take it from there! :-)
Thank you for the feedback ;)
Sounds ambitious. Will keep an eye out for it.