Does anyone here know of any trans people that are in inflation stories?
Is there a population of transgender people in the inflation community?
As a transgender man (female to male) I'm pretty curious.
Does anyone here know of any trans people that are in inflation stories?
Is there a population of transgender people in the inflation community?
As a transgender man (female to male) I'm pretty curious.
I'm trans. You can assume from any of my first person perspective stories that I identify with the inflatee and therefore that in a sense I'm writing a trans character, but it's unlikely to be obvious. I have probably occasionally seemed to have deviated from that by mentioning something like comparing herself to when she was pregnant or such like, but since this is fantasy, and also because in the end I would expect M2F trans people to get pregnant and give birth as cis women do as a matter of course, that doesn't make them any less trans. In fact the Gender Identity Clinic were very interested in the fact that I was an inflation fetishist and it helped me enormously to make my case for transition, and I do think that the cause of my inflation fetishism is in fact gender dysphoria. Incidentally, I don't say that to oppose tucutes. I'm just describing my subjective experience without trying to trash anyone else's.
I have toyed with the idea of emphasising the transness in stories more recently but I've not actually done it. Would anyone like me to? I have a few ideas.
If we do start having trans stories in here I suggest that we have an additional keyword indicating it as such.
Here we go.
My personal take on it, on the whole, is that I don't want to be trans but just a woman, if you see what I mean, and on the whole they would just be about women because that's how I see myself.
I don't really see much call for it. As I understand, most trans individuals identify as one gender or the other. The only reason they are "trans" is because they are "transitioning" between the two, on their way to their identifyed gender.
For a person that has both male and femal characteristics and is happy as such, might I suggest a different terminology?
Thinking about it some more, I think there would be some added appeal to a trans story. As stated above by AirPump, your kind of in that in between state, so you have both male and female parts. Could be something nice for people who are into both gender's in terms of inflation/expansion/weightgian, etc.
It's always nice to have something for everyone out there.
Sorry, I feel like you missed the point I was trying to make. I believe a "trans" character in a written story would be pointless, as (from my experience mind you) such an individual usually identifies as either male or female. As I've observed, their preferences in a partner are usually one or the other as well.
Please feel free to correct me if you are indeed a transitoning individal and identify as such, or if you are sexually attracted to trans persons specifically. My knowledge is based solely on my own observations.
I would dare say, if you are of the second case, perhaps you would be satisfied with hermaphrodites or futanari? It just seems to me that there are plenty of other options available that don't require the author to create a potentially complicated back-story for a trans character.
You do make a good point. I apologize for not excatly getting it lol.
I'm not trans myself, no. I just figured there's so many niches to this kink, and plenty of other kink's associated with it, some people might want some trans stories. I'm just one of those people who's wants there to be something for everyone.
But I see what your saying, and it does make sense. Again, sorry if the point kinda flew over my head.
There've been a drawing by Alorok where a guy consumes a blueberry gum, becomes blue, then becomes a girl, then swells as a girl and pops
Or just imagine, if a lady could inflate she could put long socks on her inflating boobs. With a little grooming she'd look like a Twi'lek, ready for Star Wars convention. Trans between races! ^_^
This seems to have gotten a bit off track, but that's alright. There's different aspects to being transgender, and some people are comfortable with their genitals but not with breasts/lack of breasts. I was thinking something like trans characters that are just there as inflators or inflatees, with their bodies. For example, as a transgender man, I don't mind my vagina, but I dislike having breasts even though I'm physically female. It might just be more interesting from a writing standpoint to have more explicitly trans characters in stories. After all, we all love to inflate people.
Isn't it just a matter of saying that a character is trans? For that matter, what is stopping you the reader from imagining such? I just don't see the point of specifying that a character is trans unless it has something important to do with the story.
This exactly why its a moot point to begin with, EA Games got hit with this catch 22 with Mass Effect: Andromeda: you either put in the dialouge somewhere with a character that they mention they are transgender and people say its bullshit because apparently no one would ever reveal such a thing so casually to a stranger, making it feel severly shoe horned in, or you don't even mention it all and people say its bullshit because you're not including transgendered people, even though they did, you just wouldn't know because they identify as the sex they look like.
What's stopping it is all the pronoun play that has to accompany the trans fantasy, because you're going to get biological absurdities like "her penis" or "his cervix" (I've actually heard that last one *roll*).
As a fan of Alec Deluxe -
Maria also dislikes boobs: know what? you take them, let's make shifts!
These are the scenarios where I've thought of it:
* Cis man gets boobs through inflation and finds it humiliating.
* TERFs "punish" me for being trans by inflating me to mimic pregnancy.
* My male partner inflates my belly and we go out in public so we can pretend I'm carrying his baby.
* A transphobic dystopia treats me as a disposable person because I'm trans and inflates me fatally in an experiment.
* I participate in "before" and "after" photos for a slimming product with my belly inflated because the audience would know I can't be pregnant due to not passing.
* I have my abdominal cavity inflated via my vagina, there being no intervening uterus or Fallopian tubes.
I'm trying to work out personal issues in most of these. There's all sorts of transness in my stuff, e.g. this one: - where someone gets her revenge on a man who got her pregnant and abandoned her by inflating him.
Does linguistic transgender qualify?
Usually we imagine inflation with the help of written and spoken word. And there, in the realm of grammar, inflation is usually described with words having female grammatical gender. Until She pops. Because if She dares to pop - She is reduced to he-tatters and he-scraps, even Her Bang and Boom are male
Ergo: any popping is transgender from a linguistic point of view. Ladyboomers knew it and used it for girlbursting before you were born. Sign, yet another reason why popping is bad
One of the thoughts I've had about death is that you cease to be gendered once your body has been assimilated by other organisms. This can be extended to vore, which I'm not into, in that a person of different gender eats you, the matter in your body transitions.
Another aspect of it is that I've imagined a world, vaguely, where there is dysphoria from not being inflatable where people's bodies are modified to allow them to become inflatable.
That'd be a fun read actually. Sadly I don't really know of any.