Looking for rp partners

Haven't been doing much rping, especially since the whole YIM change, but, since I got a new computer and can use Skype again, I'd like to get back into the fun.  As of right now, all I have is Skype and F-List (which I can send a link to those who prefer there).  If enough people want, I can look into getting a KIK, Discord, or anything else that is relevent,

My skype is: PhantasyInflate

Here's a decently detailed list of my interests (that I may or may not of copied from my last ad)
I am male and bisexual, so I'm open to any gender, of both players and characters. I'm go with any pairing combinations, female/male, female/female, male/male, etc. I also very much love shemales and to a lesser degree, herms.

I am a switch, though, as with a majority, I lean more towards being the inflatee, but I enjoy being both. I can do characters, but, specifically more so when I'm the inflatee, I love playing as myself.

Belly and full body expansions (spherical or non) are my favorite, often the former leading into the ladder. Tits and ass are also loved, but typically only as a second to belly; I'd need to be in the mood for only hourglass. As for cock and balls, I enjoy them, but usually if they are gonna be used.

For substances, there is virtually nothing I would be against trying, though cum and blueberry are the favorites. I enjoy liquids in general and I've been getting more of an urge for gases of late.

Now for methods, it's about the same as substances, nothing I can think of that I'd be against. Anal induced is by far my favorite and preferred. Using the navel is also highly enjoyed, and it's worth noting here I love navel sex.

Going more into the darker aspects, while I do enjoy just being light hearted and silly, I love when there's a bit of realism in this world of unrealisms. All the way from feeling some discomfort and achiness to being painful (though, not without pleasure) and having stretchmarks and other distortions.

I also love popping and often using it as a way to end an rp, which would imply it being permanet, but reforming is still enjoyed.

As for non-inflation related interests I'd like to highlight, I very much enjoy humiliation on most every level. As figured from my mention of cum inflation, I also love sexual rps. Dirty talking and specifically, name calling goes a long way with me.

Now, a couple of final notes. Going back to me being a switch, that means everyone is welcomed, other switches, and those who either only do one or the other. Now with that said, to those who are solely inflatees, please remember that I too love and prefer being inflated and so, will often be more in that mood, so I won't always want to play.


I'd love to RP with you ;)

PhantasyInflate's picture

Splendid, feel free to add me on Skype if you have it, if not, we can just chat through notes here.


Do you have Kik?

PhantasyInflate's picture

I don't unfortunately.


We can RP on Skype.

PhantasyInflate's picture

Alright, shoot me a message there then.


We can try it.