Blueberry roleplay on Kik?

Hi!  It's been a while since I posted on here, so just a reminder of what I like:


I love all things blueberry (or other fruit).  Berry boys and girls are both totally fine with me, and I can play as either the inflator or the inflatee.  


I particularly love helpless/embarrassing scenarios which put the inflatee in a hot spot.  Typically I prefer the method to be a piece of gum which is given to an unsuspecting person, only for them to start swelling out of their control.


Nudity, NSFW, all fine by me!  Juicing, leaking, the threat of bursting (actually bursting) and sexual teasing are all among my likes, too.  I also have a soft spot for puffy cheeks (hands and feet too), but most importantly I'm a very versatile roleplayer and, as such, I can play to my partner's strengths.


If there's anything I've missed out, feel free to bring your own ideas to the table.  I'm very open, however I will NOT do blood or body waste.


Still interested?  Feel free to message me on here, or contact me directly on Kik: amybeauregarde 


I look forward to hearing from you :3


 messaged you on kik

BlueberryBalloon19's picture

I highly recommend submitting yourselves as her victim.  It is well worth it!

I love inflation
I love inflation's picture

I kiked you.

Alexis Styles


Just a heads up that I now have a Skype :)

BlueberryBalloon19's picture

Sent you a contact request :)


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Sent you a contact request as well.

RebelScum (not verified)

Sent you a contact request on skpye. :)