So I've been toying around with the idea since I've found myself in a situation where I can access an Oculus Rift setup, but I wanted to see about making an actual expansion-based game. At the most ambitious it would be a two-person online game, where one player is the inflatee/feedee, while the other is the inflator/feeder. Additional motion controls / controller could be used to interact with the environment to cause expansion, while a single player mode gives the player control over their own growth.
My concern before moving forward though is: just how many people would have access to the hardware? I know that the Rift for example is pricey, though the platform I'm using (Unity) can support the inexpensive Samsung Gear VR.
This of course is still far out into the future, as I'd need to have more people working on the project than just myself, but for the most part I'd say it's doable.
THE FUTURE IS (almost) NOW’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity