Anyone remember when Airgrenade did photo morphs on deviantart and went to wordpress. Well some time ago he blocked wordpress and it seems all his work has been wiped from basic internet. Anyone have a trail to his work?
Airgrenade missing
Tue, 05/16/2017 - 21:52
Airgrenade missing
Wed, 05/17/2017 - 09:57
If it is indeed as Owen said, I'd just accept that they're gone and don't go digging into it. You might open up a huge can of worms.
Wed, 05/17/2017 - 15:46
First Axel, then AG.
The Artpocalypse is nigh.
Jk that'd be dumb
Wed, 05/17/2017 - 18:54
Thank you guys for your responses. His morphs of Rachel and sheyla were some of my favorites
At one point, on his Wordpress page he had a blog post claiming that one of his morph subjects (he never said specifically, but I suspect Rachel Aldana as she was the subject of about 80% of his work) contacted him and told him to she didn't appreciate being the subject of his work.
I suspect more like her lawyer threatened to sue him out of existence, because whatever transpired, it had a profound enough impact on him that he lost interest in morphing altogether, and as you say, he vanished from the internet shortly after that.
There once was an incomplete archive of his older work on the old inflatechan, but I wouldn't know where to find it now. It's all a sad shame because he really was one of the photoshop greats in the community.