Sure what's your going rate?
Looking for writer commission and/or request, pleasureable overwhelming shock popping air or blueberry
Haven't done a commission before, but I would be willing to give it a shot. :p
Ok message me on DeviantArt!
If you're willing to pay I'm willing to write lol. You can see some of my stuff on here already and I'd say I've gotten even better since then. Reply here or send me a direct message here or on DA, my name is the same there too
Sounds good message me on DeviantArt
i don't want to sound mean, but there's a nice gentleman Garyhowie101 on Deviantart - not saying it's the same one with BI - who once told me he'd chip into my KS campaign if I'd convince Limitburster to write a story, even specifying amount. I sent Alice a couple of notes, she wrote a story, he didn't chip in. forward to this Spring... same DA user Garyhowie101 tells me he'd chip in for a blueberry game if I'd do one, while blueberry or not is just graphics and sounds, and all my games allow changing graphics and sounds to your liking. Hmm...
I mean, do write, it's fun, just make sure you're ready to do it for free just in case... Best writers write for the fun of it anyway ^_^
I have sent you a couple of notes and the money is on the way. Next time I'd recommend sending me a note first before jumping to conclusions and trying to publically shame me. I've done numberous commissions for multiple artists including past-the-limit, xmasterdavid, hellresidant, robiniek and many more without any hiccup or failing to pay as can be seen on my DeviantArt profile. You and I never got down to an exact service for exact funds but I will send you 30 dollars for the alleged story you speak of for which I am not aware of nor did you make that known to me. But nonetheless I apologize for leading you on so to speak it was not my intention just got very busy.
ah, okay, my bad. Don't want to ruin your business ^_^
Can't edit my comment though because you answered it
This depends, will you pay?’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity