Thank you so much! Btw I see your drawings as well, you have such a great style too
Isaac's Speech
Hi guys, I've been here one week(and 1 day if se want to be fussy) but I feel like I did not know myself enough in this community. See, this is the only place where I can talk about my fetish and know people who would listen me and understand me instead of shouting me the fast that I'm a freak(it never happened, just wanted to be drastic lol) But let's get to the point: I'm that "thing" that other people would name as an "artist"(as you can see my profile picture is made by the undersigned) to be honest I'm just begging, I'm young and have a long way to go...but in the meanwhile I could estabilish a reputation and maybe get some advices from you guys ;)
Hope I haven't bored you people and hope to make myself many friends on this community!
(Anyway forget eventually English errors)
Well, your profile picture looks like a skilled drawing. I also like that the color of the character's hair and clothes are similar, but not identical (one orangish and the other pinkish). And there are not other distracting colors.