A better blueberry story? (looking for input)

    Hello everybody! I have been a long time fan of various inflation stories, but I have never written much of any. I would like to try and change that with a few ideas for stories that I have. I am thinking about starting off with a classic blueberry inflation story, but I want to try to do something a little different. There are lots of different inflation stories that follow the same themes or styles, and some are good and others not so much.

    I want to try to figure out what the inflation community likes best in a blueberry story, and try to build from that. I really want to know what you guys enjoy about various inflation stories and scenarios, in particular for this story, blueberry inflation. I have thought up some questions, with examples, which the answers of could help me develop my story. I don't entirely expect people answer all of them, and quick answers are fine, but more details you guys provide, the better. Feel free to be as lewd and graphic, or as G rated as you like, all answers are acceptable. Anything you could add that I don't already ask would be appreciated as well.

1. What is the best theme for a blueberry story? horror, comedy, porn, something else?

2. What is the best kind of character to turn into a blueberry? guys, girls, or both? Mean brats, or kind and friendly people, or maybe something different?

3. What is the best setting for a blueberry story? The old candy factory, or maybe somewhere else?

4. What is the best way to turn someone into a blueberry? Gum, berries, magic, science, something else?

5. How big should a blueberry ever get? 71 violet, 05 violet, even bigger, or even smaller?

6. What is the best filling for a blueberry? Juice, jam, blueberries, something else?

7. How should a character feel about becoming a blueberry? Afraid, upset, happy, excited, something else?

8. What would if feel like to turn into a blueberry? Uncomfortable, painful, weird, pleasurable, something else?

9. What happens after a person becomes a blueberry? Are they a blueberry forever or can something be done about it?

10. What is the best outcome for a blueberry? Even if they can be turned back to normal, should they be? Would it be better for something else to happen to them?

11. Should blueberries ever be in danger of popping?

12. Can blueberries be juiced?

13. What is the best way to juice a blueberry? Is it difficult? Can anyone do it, or does it require something special?

14. If anything, what would be especially dangerous to a blueberry? Pins and needles, getting stuck in tight places, more juice, something else?

15. Can a blueberry be squeezed or would they pop?

16. Can a blueberry be rolled? Is it uncomfortable or dangerous?

17. Do all blueberries blow up the same way or differently?

18. Do blueberries ever stop stop getting bigger, or do they just keep swelling up?

19. What happens to a blueberries' clothes as they blow up?

20. How quickly do blueberries blow up?

21. What is the best shape for a blueberry? Perfectly round, somewhat round but with obvious but swollen arms and legs, person shaped but very fat and pudgy, something else?

22. You find a piece of blueberry gum, what do you do?

23. You see someone turning blueberry blue, what do you do?

24. You find someone who has turned into a full blueberry, what do you do?

25. Wonka's gum machine makes entire packs of gum instead of single pieces. 5 people (girls, boys, both, you choose) each take a piece and chew it at the same time. They all get to the blueberry pie at the same time and start blowing up into blueberries at the same rate. They round out at the same time and the oompa loompas start to roll them off to the juicing room. The loompas can only attend to one person at a time, and each person gets their own song as is tradition, before being rolled off to be juiced. While one person is rolled around the inventing room, all others have to wait, while they all continue to fill with juice. This means that the first person to be rolled away will be the smallest with the least amount of juice, while the second person would be bigger with more juice, having to wait for the first, and the third even bigger, having to wait for both the first and second, and so on. All blueberries will keep swelling with juice until they are safely juiced or burst? Of the 5, how many are safely rolled to the juicing room, and how many fill up with too much juice and pop? If you say all 5 are juiced, if there were 10 would it change anything?

This is all I can think up at the moment, but if anyone has any better question to ask, please let me know. Thanks again to anyone who comments.

doubleintegral's picture

I apologize in advance for not answering any of your questions.  There's nothing wrong with the questions themselves but you're asking the wrong audience.  If you get ten people to respond then chances are you'll have 6-7 discrete answers to each question and you'll end up more confused than you were before.

You should be asking yourself what you like and then write about that.  If people like it, they like it; if they don't, they don't.  I know for a fact I've written a few things that I knew wouldn't be very popular, but I did it anyway simply because I wanted to.


Thanks, but in a sense I really don't know what to write about. I have a ton of different ideas, and it just seems dumb to write the same story a bunch of different ways. I feel like something like this helps me get a better grip as to which of my ideas might make a better story than others. Also this community is a great source of inspiration for new ideas that might be the best of all.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Listen to Double, he knows what he's talking about.

Write what you want to write, Don't do this weird focus group bullshit. 

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


I will absolutely enjoy writing, but I would be curious to hear what other people think about blueberry stories, even if they dont answer the questions. :)

firnov's picture

What suits your fantasies? Base a story around that. There will be a lot of people around who will love it.

About your posts and questions. Its fun to ask people about what they fantasize about. But 25 questions at 1 time is a bit to much. For next time 1 to 5 questions will give you more results.

I think you put a lot of time into this post, so its a shame that time would be wasted. So i will awnser your questions (in a short fasion)... meby my fantasy world inspire you for a great story ;)

1: I dont mind the theme to much, just dont make it to serious and real-life dramatic

2: i love that the inflatee would be the mainstream type of girl. So it suits in with a person you can know and relate to. Plus points if she is Latina, ebony or asian (no male characters in a story please)

3:for the location? At a private home. Or some inflation game/battle/challange with friends or on tv

4:gum , candy or pills

5:she can gey pretty big. But not to unrealistic big like a town or planet

6: juice 

7: it depends on the character of the inflatee. But i like them a bit worried

8: uncomfterble but pleasuring at the same time

9: she blows up till she pops (if she didnt get help on time)

10: if they get juiced on time... they will be blue and sick for a couple of days. But they get normal again

11: hell yhea! That makes the story intresting

12: yes. It is the only way to not pop

13: milk her breast like a cow... or a to big releave downstairs

14: the more risks of pops... the more thrilling the story

15: it depends on the waight you put on the inflatee. A normal person can sit on top of an inflated body. But not a car

16: its save. The body can handle its own waight

17: yes

18: ceep swelling till the pop or get juiced

19: if you watch the movies... the inflatee dont get naked. So because this fantasy is based on the movie.. she dobt get naked by the inflation itself

20: it depends in the story telling

21: she starts off chubby like but fast ends up full round

22: in my fantasies, offer one to the next unlucky but pretty lady

23: get really exited

24: if she inflate by exident, i woukd watch the show. If she did it for pleasure, i would play with her

25: i only think one of the 5 girls would get saved. A inflatee dont deflate directly at the juicing room, because the juice in her body will be reproducing for almost an hour. The juicing in this hour just stops the over-inflation. The only way to save the 5 girls is by having 5 juicing rooms.

And boom goes the inflatee


Thanks for all of the input. I really appreciate it. You have some fairly unique ideas about blueberry inflation that have given me a little inspiration to try out a few interesting things in my writing.

firnov's picture

No problems my friend, im glad to help you out in this one. Your questions made me re-explore blueberry inflation again.

I think your story is gona be really intresting. Please dont tell the spoilers, i would love to read it

And boom goes the inflatee


Great work!!! - and welcome to the forum! ^_^


Personally, i'd rather start from who are these personalities (question 2) and what is blueberry (implied in q4-24) - and go from there. Then setting (q3), genre (q1) and the rest will be consistent. And it's fun - you'll discover some things in your fantasies that will surprise you, you will see the big picture and will explore adorable details

Otherwise you might end up with answers you can't connect. For instance, characters who simply can't act as story goes because their world/society/body doesn't work like that

You can easily avoid inconsistent stories, making your fantasies perfectly smooth and easily expandable if you start from that inner layer - characters, what makes them unique and how is it possible



to paperwork ^_^

1 romantic adventure

2 girls only, sorry. i prefer when girls act like girls

3 idk, grocery store?

4 berries

5 up to you

6 air or helium, can be juice

7 in a believable way

8 tasty

9 for a limited time

10 get back to normal

11 ever - yes, normally - no

12 yes

13 can be made easy with gear/training

14 fear and rage

15 both, depends

16 yes - comfortable if trained or in ideal conditions

17 differently

18 yes, all berries usually stop growing naturally

19 all clothes stay intact, they stretch and shrink

20 with juice - hours/days, with gases - seconds/minutes

21 up to you

22 blow a bubble?

23 highfive

24 pick

25 well that's a fantasy public service. Playing Captain Obvious - all public services are designed in such a way that nobody has to die in darn queue ^_^ Kinda, i know, stupid answer ^_^


Thanks for the input. I am grateful for the help. Your ideas for story creation could come in handy for sure.

Blueberry boy 88


2. A skinny brat boy twink.

3.wonka factory


5. 05 violet



8.Uncomfortable, like he's eating thousands of thanksgiving dinners at once.

9.something can be done about it.

10.them swelling down back to normal but they are still blue.

11. Yes they are in danger of exploding, not by outside pressure, they can be rolled without worry, but are in danger of bursting from juice still building up inside them.

12.only if you roll them to the juicing room in time.

13.Difficult, requires, a pill to be swallowed that forces the juice to be expelled via mouth and butt.

14.More juice, building up means they are closer to exploding.

15. That is up to the writer.

16.They can be rolled but it will be uncomfortable with all the juice sloshing around.

17.They all blow up in the same way and size. However boys get bigger than girls.

18.Blackberries stop getting bigger once they are full size, but are mirco swelling with juice, which means while they are not getting bigger in the physical sense,  juice is building up which makes them swell  very very slowly until they explode.

19.They expand with the body.

20.It  takes a minute for a blueberry to be fully formed. 

21.Round perfectly.

22.Chew it

23.Wait and see how long they can last.


25.some burst, some get juiced.