Looking for something

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Looking for something

Im looking for a clip I saw a long while ago. It was a lady in all spandex or something with buckles and zippers. She unzips everything and show's she is fat/inflated.

I know it's not really considered inflation but give me a break


Cant say it rings as bell.

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Unrelated, But, Sick username bro.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

blueberryjuicer's picture

unfamiliar yet familiar...

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum


If I'm not mistaken this is froma music video, I just can't recall what the song is or who the artist might be.  Sorry, hope that little bit helps.



Is this the video you're referring to?