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Fujiwara's picture

Hey. I've made this account just to post this. My sexuality is... Strangely defined. Yeah, I get it, that goes for all of us here. But, I feel there's a difference between me and everyone I can think of.

It's that my fetish IS my sexuality.

On the most basic, simple level, regular porn doesn't turn me on at all. Period. I only get erections from certain inflation types.

To get more deeper, however, is what really is strange to me; It's that sexual themes are a flat out turn off for me. If an inflated girl is naked or something, I lose the (already minor) sexual feelings.

At it's deepest, the question of what my sexuality really is. I'm not asexual, as I do have this fetish, but I get slightly preturbed from sexual things. I don't even moan, I don't ejaculate or orgasm, or made proper semen at all. I don't even think of the inflated character as "sexy" or "hot". Just cute. Is there a sexuality comprised only of a kink? It's barely even a sexuality.

If anyone can relate to this, or even just drop an opinion, it would be very appreciated.


Yes, I can very much relate to it.  it means that sex with other people is less goal-oriented and more an emotional expression and a gift to them, or at least that's the intention.  Also, for me it indicates a missing factor in the idea of sexual orientation, which is "it's what you do with it that counts".  It's more important what someone and I do than their gender or gender presentation, and this is not captured at all by the "LGBT" initialism, which is just about the physical kind of people one finds attractive.



Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Personally, I think this is a completely normal way to feel about this fetish. Not weird in the slightest tbh, Not everyone needs to be Hyperion Sexcrazy Outback Steakhouse when it comes to people gettin' big. 

And for what it's worth, You sure as fuck ain't the only boi to feel this way in regards to the fetish, There's a decent amount of other folk who just find inflation cute. OrganicGranite is the best example off the top of my head, granted she predominantly does Vore, But in the years I've known about her art she's never drawn a bigge lady in a genuinely sexual light. Hell, she's never even drawn nudity in a sexual light.. (to the best of my knowledge anyway, im not omniscient)


Anyway TL:DR, There's nothing wrong about feeling this way, And you are not alone.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

blueberryjuicer's picture

I mean, mine has so far merged into itself that my gender expressions are different personas based on inflation stuff. I still class myself as pansexual, but it may as well be expansexual (oh god kill me for that horrible wordplay T-T) regardless you aren't alone.

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum


"Expansexual" - love it!



blueberryjuicer's picture


inflate everyone.

except illegal things.

that a no go.

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum

Fujiwara's picture

Thanks to everyone who responded. I do feel a lot less lonely. =w=

I might sometimes psot here from now on. Might.


Fujiwara Your not the only one with these thoughts.
I do like seeing inflation like every one else on this site.
I want to get married and start a family one day.
I would enjoy seeing Her pregnancy and seeing her get bigger over 9 months.
And I really want to be a dad :)
To see my little ones grow up and get there own start in life :)
I know what I have to do to make it happen (sex) but thats the part I'm least interested in.

Fujiwara's picture

I actually don't won't to get married :P


Dude. Yo. I made this account just to tell you that your post almost describes me to a T.

Though instead of "I have these weird sexual interests so why would I be asexual," I have always come at it from "I'm asexual so why do I have these weird sexual interests." Neither of these is the right way to approach it because there is no right way, I think. 

There's no stricter meaning of asexuality, as a term for human sexual identification, that I know of, than "lack of sexual attraction to people." There are enough gray areas with that definition even if you don't get into gray-asexuality, etc. It's been helpful for me to know that because it's a label for identifying oneself, you can use it and other terms, or not, as they seem to apply and be useful to you. Plus, LGBT is now, as my dad so nicely put it, "LGBTQ-…whatever." The "Q" can help you define yourself when other labels don't.

Thinking about my sexuality has at times made me wonder if I'm a psychological lost cause, or somehow deeply repressed. But I have too much self-confidence and too much of a life to live to consider that with any real seriousness. Since it's not putting me in distress (mainly just abstract thought), and since I haven't been diagnosed with anything, I'm carrying on.

If you want to talk more about this, you can PM me! I have thought about this a lot. I haven't been through the wringer of life or anything like that, but I have been in sexual relationships, if you want to hear about that. (You mentioned not wanting to get married. Not wanting to marry is not the same thing as not liking romance - but have you heard of aromanticism? You might find it interesting.)