Road to Blueberry Parts 1&2 (Partial berry TF) Advertisement

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Road to Blueberry Parts 1&2 (Partial berry TF) Advertisement

This is a PARTIAL Blueberry Transformation clip. It is NOT a full sphere clip. I am eager to get input on whether you guys are interested in this kind of partial berry clip.,

Koa breaks into a house with some blueberries in the fridge. She eats them & begins to swell up. First growing a fantastic hourglass figure, then develops thick legs and a swelling belly that jiggles with juice. (No blue makeup in Part One)

After eating the strange blueberries and swelling up, Koa continues to billow larger while her skin and hair turn blue and she sloshes with juice expanding inside her. (NOT a spherical blueberry expansion) (to purchase clips)

Koa Blueberry Partial

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blueberryjuicer's picture

Oh god where to begin with this superb clip?!

I love it! The practicality of the effects mixed with Koa's comfort in front of the camera create a great clip that works better than I could have predicted. I saw this back when I was able to afford a patreon subscription, and I could not wait for it to get out. I furthermore must apologize for how much I hounded about it, the video was just somethign I was excited for, and now I can assuredly say this was worth the wait!

First off, the padded clothing and props looked wonderful. Its hard to pull off such a look on anyone, yet you worked very hard to produce such a well moving as well as such a puffy suit. Also, unlike many suits I've seen and made, you've done very well to create a suit that doesn't like to slide out of the clothing, pillows love to be fully expanded, and when compressed will fight you to escape, this clip does great to prevent that.

Second, the makeup work and wigs are wonderful, the blue color spread very well and fluidly, so that's a plus. Transitions of color worked well and beautifully, and didn't move too fast, which sometimes is overlooked in blueberry inflation. The wig part surprised me as well, as most don't know how to intigrate or introduce the hair color change, leaving it to the same color or abruptly changing to a wig. The wig chnge worked very well, and the hair looked fluffy and beautiful, wonderful.

Lastly, Koa's performance was wonderful, she is very comfortable with the camera, and executed her performance well. Her interest and her flirtation with he inflation creates a sensation of elation which I adore so very much. Best of all, the clip ended in what seemed like a sort of cliffhanger, sort of open to interpretation, so one could either imagine or continue the series afterwards, (which in all honesty I hope you do at some point, Koa having misadventures and the like in the blueberry suit may be hard to do, but it can be done. maybe basic interactions or multiple partial berried, idk, idc, I just love this clip!)

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum


First blueberry clip I have seen that hasn't looked like a giant ball as quick so good change of pace

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Thanks for the nice responses, especially blueberryjuicer for taking the time to craft such a detailed response. This clip was really a labor of love, and my only regret is that I would have been able to make her end up completely spherical at the end.

Unfortunately, the clips have not sold very well. Perhaps, because it does lack the spherical element that we all ultimately look forward to seeing. But, I am very happy that we did the clip, and I don't regret taking the chance on it. It was something I wanted to do for a long time, and I hope that those of you who did get the clip enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed making it.

MixMaster is continuing to work on and improve his spherical suit, so hopefully we will be able to add that aspect to our clips in the very near future.

blueberryjuicer's picture

regardless of the sphere or not, i hope to see more partial bluenerry in ths future

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum