Let's get this straight; most people here are into the inflation of females. But the line between male and female isn't exactly black and white, and no, I'm not some insane college student who identifies as "genderfluid".
For those who are unaware of the trope, a trap is basically a character (mostly in anime) who, when you first see him, you think "Wow, that's a girl. There's no way this is actually a dude." What you don't realize is that it IS a dude, despite how feminine he looks from the outside.
So I bring this question here:
Are you attracted to inflation of traps? Or does a certain something ruin it for you?
"Let's get this straight"
As someone into the expansion of dudes, traps are def. not my thing. Too girly. In fact, the more feminine the guy is, the less of an inflatee he appears as to me. Androgynous/"trap" inflators tho? yea why not
My username is stupid.
Better known as Poqato on the art scene.