Female pet/sub feedee looking for partners

Hey my name’s Eva and as the title here and my account suggest, I’m a feedee and also a pet/submissive partner who’s looking for anyone who’d like to roleplay with me as well as be my master or mistress for irl activities. If you’d like to contact me the best way to get ahold of me is discord (Eva#9202) and honestly I’ll conform to any kinks pretty much, I’m very open and have a huge list of fetishes. Hope to meet plenty of y’all!


Edit: name is now Not-Dead-Eva#1935


I sent you a request


Gonna boop this up, come one come all I’d love any and all of you to come say hi and whatnot!


Just sent a friend request!


I don’t think I see it, where did you send it?


On Discord. If it doesn’t come up, try mine: Venom Phoenix#7477


One more bump, lost most of my contacts plus haven’t been able to talk with anyone in ages!


Added and sent a message!


Final bump, it's been a hot minute plus I'm hoping to find some inflators/feeders. Lots of ideas so feel free to hit me up!


Just sent a friend request!


It's been a while and the site's back so just gonna bump this again! Can be male or female depending on what you want, only preference I have is that I grow haha!


Sent you a friend request on discord


Bumping again! Since I'm genderfluid I can be male or female so I'm looking for people who are interested in blimping up either a male or female, and I've been dying for some good uberinflation lately so if that's something interesting please let me know but regular inflation is still good too! (And weight gain of course!)