Trying to make some peace.

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Trying to make some peace.

Look, I know I haven't been the most active, the most helpful, or heck, even the funniest person on this site, though it's not like I'd have a chance at the latter with a certain someone still lurking around here, but that's not the point of what I want to say. We just had one of our darker moments on this site happen over the past couple of days if you've been keeping up on it, and it has just hit its peak not more than a few hours ago: I'm not going to mention any details of it or take sides or anything like that. The point that I realized is that it's hard enough to have outsiders taking pot shots at our community and putting us in such a negative light: if we end up turning against each other so quickly, on matters outside what this site is even supposed to be about, we're going to end up losing meaning as to why we're still here and why newcomers should be here just as fast, and this group of people we've made might crumble upon itself, or change in a negative way.

I don't claim to have a perfect solution to help this, and I've definitely framed this in a pretty general, perhaps vague light, so let me say what I want to say here. Let this be kind of a shelter from storms, whether they be located here, on the Interwebs, or maybe in your own life. Feel free to vent, slam your hands on the keyboard as much your fury, annoyance, sadness, or other emotions require, do anything you feel, and I, along with any other member of this community willing to assist me, will be glad to listen in, try to offer solutions, or at the very least, attempt to make a particularly dark day of yours a little bit brighter.

This place is special to me. You all are special to me. I want to keep it that way, for all of us. :)

Signed, Not Monika

Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

Yo i just whanna discuss literature lamo wtf is going on (please imagine a crying emoji and an OK hand)

EDIT: Apparently using a newfangled emoji causes following paragraphs to be sucked into oblivion. Trying again.

While it’s unfortunate that we all can’t easily ditch the other pieces of our identity besides what makes us simple fetishists, it’s expected that regarding the survival of our community, outside issues happen to intersect.

Going out in a blaze of glory is great and all, but it’s unfair to everyone to have to smother the flames.


Some stuffs. It's cooling down now, but I just wanted to get this little reminder/PSA out of the way/mental respite area of sorts established now that I've seen what can happen.

So, what kind of literature did you want to talk to us about? I'm all ears... or keys, I guess.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

P, That was the most beautiful fucking thing I have heard all day. I couldn't have said it better myself.

And you may not claim to have a perfect solution, But I sure as fuck do. It's simple, Be able to have an argument without it devolving into a garbage cesspool. I get that with arguments online, Especially between forum members who've been here way longer than I have, There's context I'll most likely never actually know, Which makes it hard to try and defuse the situation due to my incomplete knowledge of it. 

However, Context (and past experiences) should still take a backseat to not being a raging asshole. Being a raging asshole is fun, I get it. But being one in an argument (despite still being fun) is almost a death sentence for any hope of getting the argument to not turn into a garbage cesspool, Which is exactly what happened in our most recent garbage cesspool argument, Which shall hereby be known as 'Shitshow 2017'. 

TL:DR, Don't be a cunt.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


I was really tired writing that, so I'm surprised it turned out at least satisfactory to one person. A handful is nice though. :)

I also did forget that I haven't been on this site very long in the grand scheme of things either, but I realize now that this is commonplace on in our cozy, really, really, I mean, just stupidly huge, apartment known as the Internet. But again, we've been through much worse thrown at us by other people. Let's try not to have this all collapse on us from the pressure we put on each other.

And similar to what Margeret said: don't argue with your heart. Use your brain. I heard if you play with it for long enough, it might save you from death by car crash, or watching Ricegum's videos past October 2017... or ever.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Do not say that evil name here, It gives him power.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

doubleintegral's picture

I agree with the sentiment of the OP, but let's not make this more than it is/was.  Someone saw an opportunity to spew some political bullshit, got their feelings hurt when the predictable backlash occurred, and took their ball and went home.  This forum is hardly unique in that regard.

The best way to move on is to just move on.  We don't need to get all mournful about it or come up with names to commemorate it.

MixMaster (not verified)


I know I have moved on. I said my piece, had a good chuckle when he lost his shit, and its now behind me. I have very little time to concern myself with trivial drama, part of the reason I dont use social media, because that is mostly what it is. They can spend their time having asinine arguments that have as much depth as children arguing over who was the best Power Ranger, Im busy taking over the world ^_^


It was the White Ranger btw, that was the best one.

SirFrancisThe3rd's picture

I am so confused.... I literally come on here to post things I've found and to find things I haven't haha, and then all of a suddon guess people are at each others throats or something? If someone could shed some light on the subject that would beee wonderful :T

Well, it's been fun


Sudden spark in politics caused someone to leave. That's the bare basics.

airtankgirl5's picture

Here's the light shed:  People largely suck.  Especially people that are so hatefully political that they can't even keep it out of a fetish forum.  Just because we happen to vaguely share some pervy motivators does not mean that we're friends.  Just like in real life.

Oh, and it was the PINK ranger that was the best, dumbass! :)

Blue_Eyes's picture

What happened?

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

doubleintegral's picture

It's all about the net neutrality thread and resulting fallout from it.  Everything has been locked but you can still go read it.