This looked too good to be true and then it zoomed out to be a guy, but that is defintintly a female belly ballooning out, shame that quality of belly inflation isn't used more often and why is it always done to a male???
Anyways, I naturally looked into the clip and its a teaser trailer for a show from chilé. I didn't find anything with pregnant bellies in the show :( (I guess it's like Ranma becuz apparently the dude transforms into a woman and back n forth. Maybe this clip was used to show as a woman she got pregnant but he's seeing it happen as a man for some added effect? Idk. I wish it coulda just been the woman's face first so there was no boner kill.
annnnywho, now that I've informed you of what your in for, the upside is what certainly looks like a female belly (bare n exposed) pushing out of a buisness shirt, popping the upper buttons off as it gets to the 9 month look.
here ya go:
hit or miss? Or a little of both?
I know there's some of you into male inflation too so this is Probly super for you guys lol.