Whether it's jamming a hose into somebody's nethers, tying someone down, or shoving a funnel into a mouth, the scenarios for forced inflation are pretty prolific and everyone's at least familiar with them. It's become sort of a practical way of getting from "point A to B" in a lot of instances; when it plays out that you have an inflator encounter someone unaccustomed to body inflation, simple persuasion or coercion won't fit the bill often times.
For the past month, America's seen a lot of public figures in media and politics get accused of sexual misconduct, and so it's got me thinking. How does the inflation community handle something similar, that we see exchanging so frequently between each other?
To a majority of us, inflation and sex is synonymous. If you have to force inflating somebody, it's - to put it bluntly - rape, wouldn't it be?
I know, I know; two completely different things it seems, but how can we deny that forced inflation is not the use of someone's body for someone else's sexual gratification?
This is different than, say, accidental inflations, when the process springs on somebody out of the blue. It's one thing when a person is oblivious as to why their clothes start swelling up, but you can see how the dynamics would change if someone else were to spike somebody's drink with an inflatable chemical, for instance - as subtle as drugging someone.
This is generally just the principles of "wanting it" between the inflator and inflatee; the mutual agreement on the act and the manner. The consensual blurs from things as simple as somebody backing away and grinning as another person balloons up and asks what in the world is going on. You wander off the more that both parties aren't checking off all the boxes beforehand.
Younger people, at least as far as I know in America, are being constantly schooled about how to responsibly treat each other from high school years through university. I think we've yet to see whether that makes a generational impact on a grand scale, but I'd hope that it solves "reality's" current issues with it at leaast. Would it lower the amount of adults out there who can tolerate nonconsensual behavior in pornography, and by effect, slightly change the field of inflation content to some degree? I can't offer any predictions on that myself.
Most of us (we hope) are indeed rational people, knowing the boundaries, understanding yes and no, and most importantly comprehending that this is all entrenched in fantasy. So no, what I'm not saying is that this fetish compels us to run around trying to stick hoses in people for fun or commit crimes in the same manner. I'd still argue however that it de-sensitizes us to a lot of to a nonconsensual behaviors, though it's safe to say no group's going to go out and persecute us over it. Have I just pushed a false equivalency or something, though?
Honestly, being that this fetish exists all but solely in the realm of fantasy, I believe this argument to be a mute point. Not to offend, of course, as opinions are opinions. But I very well know that forcing anybody to do anything, particularly in a sexual manner, is wrong. And I would never do that to somebody for real. But to live it out in fantasy is a different story. Sure, it could be argued that some people become de-sensitized to forceful acts or something like that, but I'd at least like to think that this community is not full of rapists who don't know any better. Just my two cents
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