looking for a role play, i want to be getting super fat.

Looking for extreme health and medical problem play tonight. I want to enjoy the fun and terrible consequences of a life of gluttonous obesity. I want to truly suffer the worst most terrible god awful health tonight, everything weight diet and obesity related. Make me hurt make me suffer! Make me feel what the price of being a disgusting fucking sow is!

Looking for a disgusting Slob and Romance rp with an SCP twist, something involving extreme obesity, weight gain, health problems, life support, pain, slob play and humiliation (mocking, teasing, name calling , people finding me so revolting they need to express how they feel everything) I want this to get extremely vile and vulgar. The most putrid ultra-slob rp ever!
What happens when an Object SCP that has never displayed intelligence before, although it was, just too bored to attempt communication starts picking up on someone’s thoughts about it, thoughts no one else has ever had. What happens when SCP falls in love and wants to find a way to break its silence to keep this possible love interest alive and yet unleash its full power on them? What happens when that SCP is SCP 807? I think the Foundation may be instore for a truly Revolting Romance. Thinking along the lines of 807 trying bit by bit to express its self, communicate with me and others, to stretch and flex its powers get stronger more potent. Try getting into my head the more you over hear my thoughts, wanting to help me further along my journey towards horrendous health, whispering tips and ideas and encouragement of what to look to eat, or new eating habits to acquire. Yes lets help this amazing woman bloom into the vile slob she’s keeping inside of her, lets free her to be something beyond revolting. This is the beastly sow of a girl for you. And even trying to gain agency or form of some sort, to be with this big bloated beauty.
Try and imagine what it would be like when 807s powers increase doubling, tripling even. Gaining new abilities like self-serving food from thin air, able to talk or communicate somehow. And developing a crush on a particularly foul minded sow of a scientist. (Try to think up absolutely revolting and horrifying culinary abominations so fatty greasy and loaded with calories and everything terrible for your heart and fitness that they qualify as eldritch horrors on a plate. Hehe Try to get sickeningly creative.)
It’s a plate that makes anything served on it about 1000% fattier, unhealthy and packed with calories usually able to cause a heart attack after eating due to how unhealthy it is. Example a healthy sandwich will become something awful with greasy fried eggs and mayo and other ungodly fattening crap


umm how do i delete a dubble post? idk why but this topic posted twice?


Also looking for any time you can get to me, didnt fix from my orignal post on im lol


That’s both awesome and terrifying. Something that turns food into something more fattening and deciding it likes a victim and wants to try to keep her alive just to see how much of a slob she can be?  And getting stronger in the process?  That’s be a containment breach until it can feed everything it can find!


would you feel like playing this with me?