Body inflation stories with sound effects!

So long ago I said that we were making inflation audio stories. Well now we are going to try adding sound effects to some of them. Let me know what you think. Here’s a sample.  We will be doing every story we get with sound effects. But we will be doing quite a few of them like this.

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

 We won’t be doing every story with sound effects**

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

Tuesday's picture

There is little doubt that the inflation community needs a more audio-centric form of enjoying the fetish. This is where your project is in a sense a good idea, filling a niche. But it needs to be run by the right people; productive and sound of mind. Only one applies here and I'll leave it to everybody to pick only one.

This user is still completely and undeniably responsible for the constant mistreatment of people, as I've pointed out in a previous reply. And seeing how he assumes that starting up a new thread and pitching this as a new incredible thing - again, trying to sell a good impression to the people on this site who aren't extensively familiar with how much he's fallen apart in the past two weeks - I want to gently remind everybody that any individual who would be profiting off of the money you would offer should at least be a decent human being.

How about an update? Well, the Discord server where this user has consistently been carrying out a vendetta against its staff has had to ban about a trio of his new alts, all attempting to infiltrate either with spam or slander. His practice of dodging IP bans with mutliple VPNs has allowed him to keep returning to Deviantart and Discord to continually bother a select group of people. The previous voice actress who left this project within the last few days is now having her Steam account harassed, where even though she's tried to block him, he can still send spam waves of "gift games" to something she doesn't even own (this isn't as fancy as it sounds, just exploiting a loophole in Valve's platform) - of course, the excuse is that he's not doing it and, like his Deviantart two days ago, is simply hacked.

This time I'd like to at least suggest an alternative. Some of this user's old staff have migrated to a new Patreon project without him, and because I understand I'm not supposed to be some shill - I am trying to stay an unbiased observer - I'd say that everyone else should keep an eye out for this startup and compare the quality to the material shown here. At the very least, weigh the attitude of the management.

I'll say one thing. When I stop hearing about this continual feud that this user has with other people, I won't have to keep bringing this up and sounding so negative. I hate this. I hate witnessing the sexual harassment and bullying that this user is taking out on people and then playing the victim card when things deliver consequences. The inflation fetish needs to be represented by content creators who are transparent and generous, and with the case here we have someone who is actively covering up everything he does, preying off of those who are none the wiser, and simply not letting an argument go.


If anyone else downloaded this info, please press delete, then enter dustbin and press delete again.

Thank you!


Okay, I looked into all your attachments. You did good gathering so much info to make one conclusion regarding a living person. And you totally should keep gathering loads of facts as you did here if you ever need to make difficult choices regarding people again. That's the right way of approaching decisions as you administrate your server. Good work!

However, as silly as it sounds after I looked through it all, - you can't share it ^_^ I mean, wtf ^_^


Imagine - I tell you something and you retell it to others. Will I want to talk to you again?

Now add this. I'm rude, I brawl with people turning your room upside down, and I tell you something private. Does me being rude change anything? ^_^ I mean, of course not, privacy is privacy whatever I do ^_^ Yes, you can decide not to invite me again and you can stop selling me cookies, but you still can't tell my words to others ^_^ 

Next time you need to decide something - gather data, decide what you need, delete data. Don't store it, and certainly don't share it. It's basics ^_^

You sound like a good chap, and a rather thorough one, so I hope you'll take this advice and won't run away from us. Seeing this boundary will help you a lot, both in hobbies and at work

It's good you're a user here for a while. Watch how Luther acts (and inacts) - he's a good example how to admin a very diverse community where everything happens

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture


what the hell?

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

Tuesday's picture

I don't even want to laugh at you for playing dumb. If you're this paranoid about people speaking out against you, watching this thread so closely, the least you can do is muster up a valid counterargument.

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

The admins can’t come here soon enough.

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

darkburster2's picture

His stuff is amazing, I've had the pleasure of working with him on multiple stories I commissioned. 10/10, would buy from again :)

Misery loves company.

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

Much love <3 some people really love this new actress and I’m happy I can add sound effects to some stories now.

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

airtankgirl5's picture

I had zero trouble in all of the interactions I've had with Blimpboy.

As for bullying and stalking, that would be pretty much the behaviour you're displaying here.  

"The inflation fetish needs to be represented by content creators who are transparent and generous, and with the case here we have someone who is actively covering up everything he does, preying off of those who are none the wiser, and simply not letting an argument go."  That is 50% utter bullshit and 50% who cares.

Is there any actual evidence here or is this just the way you behave as an unbiased observer?  Because I dont think those words mean what you think they mean.

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

 Just ignore him and he’ll go away. He has done this on two threads already. Be honest I don’t get what’s taking the admin so long to come and clean it up

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

darkburster2's picture

Mention "real life inflation" and that'll get Thier attention quickly. They'll Probly miss the point though lol. Who knows. 


Edit: don't actually do that, it might be more trouble than it's worth lmao 

Misery loves company.

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

Lol I know. To be honest I could counter some of his debates with the fact that a lot of that evidence is something that has absolutely nothing to do with me, and some of it is just them taking out the parts that make them look bad. But whatever. I just don’t want to bother with him. I’ve become jaded from talking to that guy. Notice how he even wants me to argue as well

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

darkburster2's picture

He's an idiot, trying to antagonize and incite drama, and he just looks like a hypocrite and a bitch lol. I wonder if he'll come back, or if he (Ironically) can't come up with a "counter argument" for me cuz he really thought we'd side with his bullshit lol.


Misery loves company.


Don't know if this counts as evidence to you, but his original voice actress released this dropbox of conversations between her and Blimp_Boy recently:

While it's nice that you and a few others have had zero trouble in YOUR interactions, it doesn't seem to be that way for everybody. Did you even look at the google drive link that Tuesday posted? It paints a pretty clear picture that OP is liable to go off the rails and not take "No" for an answer when asked to stop something. His actress wanted to end their business relationship, and he wouldn't take no for an answer. Goes as far as to say he "DEMANDED" that she stay like she didn't have a choice. I'm kind of amazed that you'll crucify ButterfliesNHurricans/V-fan/Whateverhisname for his incredibly shitty behavior and wrong doings, but are perfectly okay with supporting this, ATG.

That being said, the VA is also clearly in the wrong for attempting to steal the Patreon page and everything associated with it. I understand wanting to keep your fanbase, but that was definitely NOT the right way to go about it at all. It was not her's to take. 

This really is coming from an outside observer. I wouldn't have known any of this was happening if I hadn't been getting Patreon notifications regarding the situation.

Sorry OP, I love your product and I'll continue to support the patreon, but you need to be held accountable for your actions too.


**Goes back to lurking for 10 years**

Tuesday's picture

Thank you, the Dropbox link is new to me. I chose not to respond to the users in this thread who aren't exploring for themselves beyond this site alone, because apparently I can't convince them without pure evidence. That's as close as it comes as to why he has to start over.

And wow, is it kind of disheartening to see for oneself how worse the situation got. Clinically insane.

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

Mhm!  Well thank you for the praise. I hope I can get some ideas on improvements and suggestions.

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture


we did a comic dub with sound effects. Let us know what you think!

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

airtankgirl5's picture

I liked it, I think this is certainly a step in the right direction.

(Even if Cattyn can rot for all I care)

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

Well I just like the comic. It was more of a sample. I mean it’s not like he’ll care anyway so might as well use it.  Still thank you .

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

darkburster2's picture

I remember gearing of the cattyn drama, but wasn't really sure what happened... It was after I came around. I thought it was non inflationists that hated on him, but I guess I'm super wrong... 


I always liked the lil comic with the girls dressed up in sailor outfits that blow up from the kiss. 

Misery loves company.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Let's just not forget that the sad, Pathetic man behind Cattyn is now drawing feminism comics and draws himself as an anthropomorphic blue bear in a fedora constantly fighting an army of strawmen who are ALWAYS wrong. 


God just

fuck andrew dobson’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

While I do think this topic of conversation is interesting,  I would like to focus more on the sound effects and voice acting. I have to please potential future fans after all!

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.


I think she sounds great!

my only constructive criticism is that the popping sounds didn’t seem to match the action. They sounded more like explosions from dynamite than a balloon overfilling with air. I know there are some free balloon popping sounds on the Internet, and if you have recording equipment of your own you could even pop a balloon and record it yourself. 

besides that I definitely like what you’ve accomplished so far and hope to see even more!

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

Thank you very much. I actually wasn’t very satisfied with the popping sound either but I will be getting more in the future.

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

Here is something one of our actresses worked on just recently! A 3D animation with breast inflation! <3

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.