Looking for players on Discord

As the title suggests, I'm looking for people to rp with, or simply just chat about inflation on Discord.  Since more and more people are using it, I figured I'd give it a shot.  My account is PhantasyInflate #7654

I'll give a brief spiel of my interests; I go more detailed in my profile.

I enjoy most inflations, though belly and fullbody are my favorites, often leading into one another.  For fillings my favorites are cum and blueberry, but I also love water and gases in general.  I like both male and female inflation (I am male myself) and will play with both guys and girls alike.  As with most people here, I favor being the inflatee, but am more than willing to switch, as long if you are.  Lastly, I very much enjoy popping, but it's not a necessity.


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