I love all of these ideas, especially since I’m one who enjoys writing plots with either a fantasy setting or just an extra element thrown into the everyday world to make the elaborate and impossible happen. Thank you very much for sharing them, and if it ever comes that I put one down in a story, I hope you won’t mind the credit!
Writing Prompts/Ideas [mostly popping]
- Wishes gone wrong:
- a desperate farmer of pumpkins/watermelons has a terrible season and goes to a genie/witch/etc to beg for seeds that can grow anywhere. The wish is granted, and of course they have a huge harvest. The husband and wife eat one to celebrate, but the wife finds it too delicious to share and ingests a huge amount of seeds. They rapidly grow inside of her until she can fit no more~!
- A bullied, skinny girl goes to a witch/genie/etc to ask for 'the biggest/best curves of anyone.' But since she didn't specific whether the curves should be concave or convex, she expands to ballooney proportions to an awed crowd of classmates! Popping option but always a plus in my book.
- An ocean mermaid is caught by fishermen when she gets too curious about the landpeople. She can breath air, but being placed in freshwater instead of salt water causes her to dramatically swell with the freshwater. Not realizing this, the fishermen place her in a swimming pool while they argue about what to do with her, not realizing until too late what the freshwater does to her. She could be fished out in time, though perhaps she's already swollen so huge and heavy that the fisherman can't manage to lift her out ;D With a whole swimming pool of water she could of course get VERY large (and deliciously explode-y!)
- A woman is in a consensual relationship with a slime person, and intercourse between them is of course via the slimegirl(or guy) inflating the human. Having done this for a while, slimeperson suggests that the human try seeing if she can hold TWO slimepeople; a friend of the first slimeperson. The human readily if nervously agrees, but the two slimepeople either don't realize when the human is at her limits (and with two slimepeople filling all orifices she can't tell them!), or she manages to hold them but they forgot to tell her a very KEY detail: when two slimepeople enter a vessel like a human, they automatically produce exponential slime that creates new slimepeople--slimebabies, if you will!
(I like the latter scenario the most, since it seems like it'd give the story a really fun tension in that the human worries she can't hold all of the two slimepeople. She feels immense relief when she does, only to realize that after a few moments of calm she swells up still more with the 'slimebabies'--until she can hold no more ;D) - In the future, the ability to control and manipulate one's bodyshape has been perfected through the use of nanites or other spacetech. People can control their body shape, weight, etc, but only within certain parameters for safety reasons. A hacker learns to get past these safety measures, and either serial-inflates women all psycho-style, OR simply convinces a female friend to let him experiment on her--but it turns out he doesn't understand the code as much as he thought he did, leading to the run-away inflation of the gal, Wonka-style.
- This one's darker so definite content-warning here; skip over if you don't want some major "WTF?"
A virus/plague/alien-whatever causes a terrible plague across the Earth; men contract it first, and their bodies fill and swell semen/alien-goo/whatnot, and the only way to relieve it is through intercourse, wherein a man can inflate a woman (or another man!), relieving the pressure in himself by pumping it into them through ejaculation; unfortunately (for them!), this leads to one or both of the pair popping. There could be a lot of interesting psychological tension here; some men might force themselves on women to survive, while others self-sacrifice; some women might beg their spouses to relieve themselves into them to try to delay the inevitable, with mixed results--etc etc!
TLDR: cum inflation. cum inflation ERRYWHAR
That'd be grand!
Great ideas!
One vanilla idea we like to play with recently is a satisfaction button you can press if you're happy with service. You know, it's been popular a while back and some old-fashioned businesses still have them. Only it's inflation button instead
Another idea is playing newbies. Imagine first time inflation. She's full of dreams more than helium, he's shocked by her size, both feel awkward and it might end with a blast by accident. Cause everything can go wrong first time. It so cute and it's fun to return there
I have a few ideas floating around, I’ll share two.
The first one is a honeymooning couple visiting a family cabin discover a secret journal that contains how to inflate tips, tricks, quotes, and experiences from years past. Could be a fun short story series, describes different I flations in each journal entry. Could be a standalone as it inspires the couple to inflate.
The second is darker. A woman wakes up in a large display, she sees her ex and a woman next to him, they are very much in love. Girl in the display tries shouting her anger but something is in her mouth. She sees the coupe insert coins and feels air coming out of the tube in her mouth. She begins to inflate and it dawns on her that she in a life sized version of one of those arcade balloon inflators. She gets bigger and bigger until...well you decide. She could pop or the couple could take their balloon with them. Balloon tf has been really doing it for me lately.
I really like the first idea.
Alright, so, gonna be real here, I fucking love all of these. Genuinely feeling tempted to write that mermaid one tbh, that's just like, the most me thing I've seen in a little while.
Bless this post, this was exactly what I needed today.
Yaaas do the mermaid one >.o here's another prompt -
An escetic/new age cult are trying to rid themselves of worldly vice, including greed/gluttony. To do this, they kidnap a person to act as both symbolic vessel and sacrifice, and ritualisticly feed them huge amounts of food until they're too fat to move, at which point they purposefully force feed the person to bursting point... Or perhaps the person gets so lost in their own gluttony that no force is needed :p
One guy contacted me to collab on a story of eco-Amazons attacking a conference of rich people that were intent of deforesting their land; it started with force-feeding (for their gluttony) and would go downhill for those horrible people.
The last idea reminds of stories by “Ramzaw” on deviantart. Had alien tentacle creatures and popping.
These are all pretty interesting ideas. I've had the same idea as #3 before, but with a slightly different twist. Started writing it, even. Yet another unfinished story.
The slime one in particular makes me curious.
Stories I have written