Babe pig in the city inflation group chat

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James Skywalker
James Skywalker's picture
Babe pig in the city inflation group chat

<p>I know I've written a lot about this one scene but I want this scene to have a fandom following as big as the blueberry scene from of willy Wonka.&nbsp;</p>
<p>If you love the inflation scene from babe then I highly urge you to join my group chat on Facebook&nbsp;Join my group on Messenger by visiting:</p>
<p>If you don't have Facebook then that's cool we can use kik instead.</p>


We have 10 people in the chat and it's so much fun to talk, make fantasies and even plan future roleplaying

James Skywalker
James Skywalker's picture

Tldr: if you love the inflation scene in babe hmu so I can add you to a chat.

Join my group on Messenger by visiting:


Or hit me up on Kik at "myniggaNelly"

James Skywalker
James Skywalker's picture


Check out our wiki page it's great!

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

And I want Pacific Rim: Uprising to be a good movie. That doesn't nessicarily mean it'll happen, but, hey, a girl can dream, right?’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


No, you cant. That addon is 49.99 for the additional sense of pride and accomplishment.

Machinequeen's picture

Idk aren't you going a bit too fanboyish with that scene?
