No matter how many experts produce PMCDF diagram of this site - it always looks like a helium balloon filled to it's limits
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The site's been fully patched, so we should be good. Please report any anomalies you encounter.
Anti-spam controls are offline, so user registration requires manual approval until I work out another solution. If you're creating a new user account, be sure to fill out your information in a way that makes it clear that you're not a spambot, otherwise I won't approve your account.
I apologize for the long delay. Real life was unexpectedly intrusive, but should be less so going forward.
oops double post
It’s great to have you back. Thanks for putting in the time and effort. Io
...your dreams were your ticket out ;)
Thank you Luther!! I cant thank you enough
I've waited so long!
Thank you Luther :)
Much appreciated.
Whew! Thank goodness...
Welcome back.
Awesome stuff
Hurray! Thank you!
Whoo, I was worried for a bit there.