Inflation and Weight Gain in VRchat

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Inflation and Weight Gain in VRchat

This has to be a topic that's been brougth up before, or thougth about at the lease. We've all seen some rather curvey model's in VRchat before. But I'm curious is any fetishes are really gonna take hold of the game. In private world's or something. Considering you can animate basically anything, there's lots of possiblities I'd think.

Fairia's picture

I'm more curious and interested in having the "feel" of being inflated or fattened with a VR headset, but I imagine it might take having a VR suit like how it was used in Ready Player One .


I have seen expandable avatars there--it's rare, but I've seen them.  It's not an adults-only game so there is a limit to what you can do there.  However, if people keep it PG-13 and don't do anything too weird or annoying, I could see it becoming a place where inflation fans could hang out and play with inflatable avatars.  From what I've seen, inflation fetish does not seem to be widely known there so people don't immediately have a love or hate reaction when they see an expandable avatar.  As long as the special effects on your avatar are not loud, offensive, or make people's computers lag, most players like seeing avatars that can do interesting things.

I started playing there a couple months ago (usually have my mic turned off).  I also have a Vive with full body tracking (really just hip and foot trackers, but that's what they call it).


Here is a video from someone who makes expandable avatars.  If you like their work, please be nice and follow their Youtube and/or Twitch.

inflatabledrone's picture

This is old, but I remember somebody in the JP expansion scene making expandable furry avatars. If I ever track it down, I'll post it.

inflatabledrone's picture

Also, there's some documentation floating about on how to make models expandable, and importing rigged models to VRC is apparently not that difficult. So I may end up playing around with it



inflatabledrone's picture

This is old, but I remember somebody in the JP expansion scene making expandable furry avatars. If I ever track it down, I'll post it.