Inflation Discord Server
Tue, 01/22/2019 - 18:51
Inflation Discord Server
Thu, 01/24/2019 - 17:16
I will say this before anyone plans to join the Full Blimps server, since I administrate that server.
There is both a 5 minute limit before newcomers can reply back, and the membership link provided on my DeviantArt only grants temporary membership. This is solely to prevent spammers from coming in and ruining the experience for everybody. If you want to join the server, and you get randomly kicked, you will now know why. Just message me on my Discord and I will provide a personal invite that way if you'd like to join.
Mon, 01/28/2019 - 17:50
There's also Land of Popping people
Tue, 01/29/2019 - 16:33
A few of those discord links appear to have expired.
Here's some others
Bursting Chatroom -
Swell Reads -
The Full Blimps -
Cartoon Expansion General -
Slayer Seventeen's House of Balloons -