Looking for belly/body expansion and stuffing roleplay

Hi! So a few things: 

1. I'm a newbie

2. I like roleplaying

3. I'm a girl 

4. ???? uh i can't think of anything else

My main gist is that I'm looking for friends to roleplay with, and sort of am mostly here to have fun. I irl inflate on occasion for fun, and enjoy roleplaying a lot. Prefer female roleplay partners, but also doesn't really mind male partners either. Must be willing to write more than a paragraph at a time, have decent grammar, and not use asterisks.



Phobos001's picture

Best signature 2019

Guy here. I'd be happy to RP with you! Shoot me a message here on the website so we can discuss. :) (Also I know you're homosexual so this will be a platonic RP unless you say otherwise ^^)


Sent you a message.

wespoooh3's picture

if you are still looking for friends shot me a message 

Body inflation whore
Body inflation whore's picture


if you're still looking for people to Roleplay with shot me a message.