Blueberry Inflation primer

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biff977's picture
Blueberry Inflation primer

I'm not sure why I am sharing this just is still a work-in-progress...but I've been keeping myself busy writing a Blueberry Inflation primer. This is not for anyone actually into blueberry inflation (or by extension, any sort of inflation). I've been trying to write it for someone who has no clue or idea what it is. Anyone not into this interest who does a brief internet search will get back a wide variety of derisive and ridiculing statements from people who have no interest, inclination or open-mindedness to even begin to understand. At best, they get the basic "Rule#34" blanket statement.

As this is a WIP, I'm not sure if I'm interested in criticisms or critiques just yet...I think, however, additional viewpoints and perspectives could prove worthwhile.

For what it's worth, its over at Deviantart at



That's really good.  You've done a tremendous job of creating a resource people can point their partners at if they're too embarrassed to have the talk themselves, and it may also break the ice so they can.  Well done!