All That inflation; anyone remember?

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All That inflation; anyone remember?

Hey all!

I had a random memory the other day and I'm curious if I'm crazy or not. Was there another inflation in All That besides the movie theater and the tomato juice? I seem to recall someone getting blown up during a blood test or something.

HeliumBubblegum's picture

You´re not the only one. Been searching through the internet just to find that scene. But gave up since i couldn´t find it. I did remember that the guy got "deflated" after something went wrong. All the people freaked out about what they should do to get him back to normal size. Thats when they started to inflate him and once he got back to normal the nozzle got stuck causing him to keep on inflating until he started to float up and explode.


 Wow, that setup sounds totally awesome


There's also the three girls whose butts get expanded and they get stuck in the doorway, pressing together...


Only seen a single screenshot of it, absolutely nothing else known.


(Randy Quench girl inflation is still one of the all time greats in inflation history, btw)

Techno Tron

that's from episode 2 of Season 9, the sketch with the butt expansion is "Jamie's Experiment", and funny enough the Randy Quench inflation moment is in the same episode


So I went looking and I've found the bare minimum but I can't find the episode anywhere. It's season 10 episode 4 "JoJo". The green room is called Denzel's Blood Test. If anyone can find it with that information they will be a lord of the internet.


Here it is




the water Inflation or the blood test 


Oh my GOD!! That was intense!

Thanks for sharing!

I love the cartoony chaotic nature of this. These girls broke all the devices they tried to operate.
It's funny how one of them said about the hose "shove it into his mouth!" And in the middle of the inflating drama they just get distracted by candy and let him go BOOM!!

They totally messed him up!! I think it's a tie between this and the naked Gun firehose scene


What was the whole storyline about that 


If you are asking about the Naked Gun scene (Actually "The Naked Gun 2 and a half", the second in the series),

Well, in that one an assasin man comes into the department of a lady who is taking a bath. She realizes he's in the same room when he is tempted to sing the same song she is singing under the shower, and the lady starts screaming. The hero cop (who also happens to be like a 50-60 year old man with white hair, tough pretty good looking) comes to rescue her. They fight and struggle back and forth with different everyday artifacts.

Then they run outside the bathroom and out of the appartment. There the villain tries to choke the cop, but he has one free hand to take the firehose next to him. So he shoves it into the villain's mouth, then turns the water pressure open to the max. Shortly after, the hero realizes the bad guy had too much, and tries to close the valve, but breaks it (see how there are similarities to that All That scene).

Here you can watch it (Youtube link) with some context, to feel it's own crazy chaotic atmosphere:


No the other one 


The all that one