A bar where the alcohol inflates you

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A bar where the alcohol inflates you

And when anyone spots that you’re drinking, you get a couple people to buy you drinks. It feels heavily carbonated and tingly. After five drinks your clothes won’t cover you any more and you have two more full drinks in each hand. Encouraged to sip~ when you start popping buttons you’re lead over to the dance floor, before you start “floating away.”


I don't drink but maybe I should start.

airtankgirl5's picture

It's ok, I drink enough for any three of us.


Then you're gonna get pretty big it seems.

I'm jealous.


The hard part would be floating you home.

I'm mean. 

Machinequeen's picture

So its like the skol ads...but floating? And multiple drinks?



Hanz Popper

If this was real. I really would be into Tinder


Mary Sue
Mary Sue's picture

Anybody wanna buy me a drink? ;]

darkburster2's picture

I wish I could mute topics like I do in discord lol

Misery loves company.